
New Member
hi guys
I have just bought a 2003 L322 ,but the cd changer will not eject ,it has power and makes all the right noises but no ejection so Im assuming it has had it ,how do I get it out?its in the glove box
What great advice that is .Now how would I remove the complete unit ? Do I have to remove some of the dash?
When i first bought my L322 i had the same issue in the end i just Tw**ed the magazine and it shot out, lubed the sides and never had the problem again, apparently if their not taken out often then they will stick
Thanks for that ,its out with the help of some screw drivers and a pair of pliers.And now I have 6 free cds for my efforts.I lubed it up and put it back and it stack again ,after getting it out again one of the trays was bent and now its sorted .It would be nice to know how to get the whole unit out if I needed to in the future .

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