I got a set from thunderpole. All their starter sets are good. I went for the smaller one,with the biggest springer aerial and can't fault it at all.
I've just been on the thunderpole site and they range from£49 - £179 what's the difference? Can you get out further?
I just got one of the starter sets. Cost me 99pound or some silly amount. The different mounts vary in price. There not a lot of difference in range with the cbs,depends where the aerials mounted. Buy what you can afford to be fare. When your off roading you'll still be able to speek to people on 300pound cbs as you'll never that far from each other. I went for the thunder pole as I liked the size.
And to add when you get a cb put another inline fuse by the battery. As they all seem to have them fitted close to the cb.
I got a stater set up from the Driffield show cost £80 I think it's a cobra, with a snail type mount nd a 4ft springer,
the actual CB makes little to no difference in range, 4W is 4W, the cheap ones are 40 channel, a little more gets you the 80Ch, but tbh, unless you are going to europe, the 40 is all you'll ever need.
The antenna and installation of it makes much more difference to the range you get.
I got my setup, used form fleabay for £25 in total, a decent Alan antenna, and a binatone speedway CB.
I bought a 2nd hand one off eBay for bout £25 and its works aswell as all the others when were off roading.
Tbh pretty much any cb that works will be fine for off roading,u don't need to spend a fortune as it won't get u out any further,I used to drive trucks and had burners and all sorts on my cb but nowadays,cheap is good : )
There are many ways to ensure you get the best out of your rig one of the most simple is to ensure it is propaly earthed to the chassis on a 90 so you draw in the best signal you can the next is the coax don't scrimp on it get the lowest loss you can
after reading through all your posts on CB being fitted and used,
I finally got my ass into gear today and found my Maycom EM27.
still in its box after 10 years I suppose, but there you go.

Maycom EM-27 80 Channel UK/EU CB Radio - YouTube
this is a short youtube vid on it by someone who knows this CB better than I do.

on looking on the net, it seems its a rig dead easy to modify into a 10 metre radio, or getting 400 stations, I kid you not.

Now my maycom sits between my left leg and centre consol quite happily with its speaker facing me.

Its a great rig, and I dont know why I never used it before ;(

all the cabling is hidden as is its power supply wired into ignition live.
fused link as per patch lead included all tucked away.
I`m using an old mini cab mag mount, and a short base coil loaded whip for now, but it unscrews so i can get under our hight restrictive car parks here.

(oh & car wash shhhh ) .. :)

with its standard screw threaded base fitting, most new bigger whips with the screw fittings will screw straight in as a replacement "soon"
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