Vincent G

New Member
Do you know if the CB that you can buy here work in Africa ?
Also, where would you install a GPS on the dashboard of your Defender?
Thank you
doubt a uk band CB will be any use on 27mhz. y need a multi band with AM etc. only of use in europe the standard uk type
Hi Vincent,

Thought I'd have a go at answering the second part of your question.

I've just bought a Garmin Zumo 550 - rugged, waterproof, small and nicely combines user-friendly features with more specialist ones (add extra maps with mapsource, automatically records your tracks for review later). I highly recommend this GPS - designed for bikes, but ideal for Landies.

As to mounting it, there's a company called brodit ( that makes clips specific to each vehicle - including Land Rovers - to clip GPSs and phones to your dashboard. Works very well for the Zumo on my 2004 Defender - mounts in easy view without blocking the windscreen.

Not sure if that would be suitable for one of the larger type GPSs that people often use, though. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Living in Africa suggest you use a hand held gps and hide it somebody will nick it as landys are not known for their security if you get lost stop and get out and look around
also you can take into a stange city and find you way back its hard to get lost in africa now
regards jummy7
CB is only really any use for car to car in convoy situation, due its limited range. As for GPS suggest you go to Garmin home site, this list the map coverage available and what units they run on, it depends what you want to spend and what you want it to do for you. Dont forget to take good paper maps as well. As for communication the only real answer is sat phone as this will give you guaranteed communication in emergency situation, not that expensive ,as you only pay what you use , you can even hire one .
The digital maps Tracks4Africa are quite good for Southern Africa. Has the major routes for East Africa. A work in progress for the Western side. They are contributor driven and inexpensive. You need a map capable Garmin gps for these.

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