
New Member
I've just had the front chassis legs replaced on the series 3 with some new leaf springs, the problem now is that the wheels are well out of line in terms of the 'top' being flared out as you look at the landy from the front. The parts of the tyres in contact with the road, 'bottom' of the tyre are much closer together so it looks like the wheel are tilted inwards. They are equally so and i don't know what i can do about it!!!!! It only happened after the bits were replaced! Any one got any ideas?
If you looked at it a basic ideas is this!
\ /

are we talking castor or camber or toe in here??

did you have the axles stripped down and the swivels off at any time?
It is your camber angle that is wrong, as slob asks have the swivels been off as it sounds like they have been assembled incorrectly.
as stig says, as slob asks have the swivels been off,as it sounds like they have been assembled incorrectly.
the swivel housing are probelly on upside down and on the wrong sides.
have you got drain plugs at the bottom of them or the tops? and where is the level plug? front or rear of the housing?
The axle was dropped away complete, just the wheels removed. It was up on a lift and the axle supported on a stand. The swivels were not touched and look like they should as far as i can tell from the haynes pic. Plugs etc in the correct place. Could something be loose that would cause this? They going to have a look at it for me today just want to make sure they check all the possibilities!
assuming every thing is tighten properly the only thing i can thing of is your swivel housings on wrong. can you post some piccy so we can have a look see.. from the front of the landy and also a close up of the swivels would be great
Wil try to when i get home! The guy wot dun it runs a 1966 lwb as a recovery vehicle so i'm assuming he knows which way round they went if he did remove them. if they are on correctly i'm stumped!

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