
Well-Known Member
just got in from a little laning trip with a few local lads
jamese1505 & his pop kevin
sticky dan & seat cover
snatch block & his bros
good day lads , video's being loaded atm .
watch this space ;):D
first 1 up jamie giving a micra a wash :D

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BVx0wY08i0"]YouTube- nissan micra takes a shower[/nomedia]
just got in from a little laning trip with a few local lads
jamese1505 & his pop kevin
sticky dan & seat cover
snatch block & his bros
good day lads , video's being loaded atm .
watch this space ;):D

Was you in Redneck country???? Snatch Block and Sticky Dan????
Lol, unfortunately with the few gallons of water across my windscreen I missed the look on her face when I came thru :D

Maybe summit like :eek: at a guess lmao
failed at the first hurdle :rolleyes: fooked a front diff on the first obstical

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfhz7YUX4Yk"]YouTube- jamie pops a diff at the first hurdle[/nomedia]
ouch that looks painful and expensive:doh:

wot was the outcome?

nothing worse than than broken landy upsetting the day out!!!!!


once we had sorted out that it was front diff and not a half shaft gone just engaged diff lock and "struggled on" (not before i had a arguement with a hi-lift :mad:)
did'nt help that jamie's new bus had clutch and starter motor issues as well made it much harder work :doh:
That like when we went to plains last, martin said my clutch feels funny ended up got no fluid i got none, but have now!!!!( not gonna get caught out on that one again) went to 3 garages before we found any dot 4. he good at crash changes now:eek:

Cat 95
You guys give us all a bad name, no wonder we have such opposition to using lanes. You guys take fun from facing a LR Def against a micra...nice one
That like when we went to plains last, martin said my clutch feels funny ended up got no fluid i got none, but have now!!!!( not gonna get caught out on that one again) went to 3 garages before we found any dot 4. he good at crash changes now:eek:

Cat 95

started out by loosing about half a rezi full then it started playing up about a hour later and went to re-fill again not lost a drop so think its probably master cylinder as he had only just replaced the slave :doh:

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