
Active Member
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but...

Does anyone know of a place that sells a carburetor balancer for the 3.5L V8 twin carb engine? The workshop manual I have lists these special tools related to carb tuning and so far I can't find them:

605330 - Carburetter balancer
MS80 - Mixture adjusting tool
MS86 or B25243 - Tamper-proofed throttle adjustment tool

Not sure if it matters, but I don't know whether I have Zenith or SU carburetters. (Any suggestions for identification would be appreciated!)
su or zenith?

su carb balancer - Google Product Search


zenith cd175

has rubber diaphragm and temperature correction on zenith
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Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but...

Does anyone know of a place that sells a carburetor balancer for the 3.5L V8 twin carb engine? The workshop manual I have lists these special tools related to carb tuning and so far I can't find them:

605330 - Carburetter balancer
MS80 - Mixture adjusting tool
MS86 or B25243 - Tamper-proofed throttle adjustment tool

Not sure if it matters, but I don't know whether I have Zenith or SU carburetters. (Any suggestions for identification would be appreciated!)

Before messing about with a carb balancer, best to get the basics right. You may find this useful on setting up SUs



If you want to save some money. In the old days, carb balancing was done without the flow meters. It was done simply by listening to the hissing sound from each of the carb intakes. To make it easier, use a piece of plastic pipe to conduct the noise to your ear and place other end near to the bridge inside the carb and compare the noise between the 2 carbs. Adjust the balance screw between the 2 carbs to get the same hiss level between the 2 carbs. If you have the same hiss level between the carbs then they are balanced. As with the flow meters you will have to raise or lower the idle speed to keep the correct idle speed and recheck the balance.
Many thanks - I went off to read before asking daft questions. Huge thanks for the SU setup manual. I'll dig into that next!
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