
D3 Grandad
Full Member
hiya guys

was just wondering if you have also been suffering badly again with insurance renewal costs.

Got my renewal in from the AA with 1 years NCB at £1,500 and a £800 excess to which i rang them up and advised them ive got a freelander not a range rover vogue.was under written by a company called NIS which after reading is now the Co Op

Also found out that they had me down as unemployed instead of disabled and that the classification of unemployment carries a very high premium but they were still not prepared to lower the cost so i politly told them where to go.

went online and found the ins company Privilege they quoted me £603.14

do any of you have any experiance with this company please, churchill also comes out about the same price.

after getting these quotes i got back to the AA and asked them how they justify there high price when i can get a far better deal with only a £150 excess and for more than half the cost with another ins company , they told me insurance has gone up across the board and to be honest he just didnt seem to give a toss so just hung up in discust.

my concern is this quote is an introductionarry offer and will go through the roof again next year.

just wondered how you guys have been getting on with renewal prices and if your current insurers are also sticking you one up the rear end.

thanks as always and hope this finds you all in good health

Go online and pick the cheapest and do the same every year if the renewal is not cheap enough.

I used Swift this and last year - just over £200 I am 56, retired and live in rural Wales

The site Go Compare is a good start point. Forget customer service - it doesn't exist and where it does it's not worth paying for. Swift have all you need on your online account - you even print out your own certificates and manage your data - it works for me.
Hi gary , it is a worry every year costs to run a car going up , i am in the AA and they quoted me £800 sod that i thought , got a few quotes and got it down to £369 , and that was up by £50 from the last preimum i paid !
I was with Privilage last year, had no problems with them, except their renewal quote for this year which was nearly double, so fobbed them off then renewed with them again through go compare as a new customer
thanks guys.

i think the thing that really peed me off was they just didnt care, customer service was non existent .

im going to have a look at swift and see what happens but at least this year ive got it down from 1500 to 603.

ive heard that fraudelant whiplash cases is the reasons why insurance has gone up so much i just hope they can do something about it.

also seen about these boxes that they monitor your driving and adjust your insurance accordingly.

even put a quote in for my 21 year old son who has a prov licence the cheapest quote was in excesss of 5 grand as a named driver, as he only has a 125cc motorbike i would have liked to help him with some driving lessons towards his car licence the same way my parents did with me.

still ive its the best way to turn into the devil trying to teach your children to drive ,but also been thinking of finding an off road course for him to teach him what a car will do in the mud,rain ice etc and also an excuss for me to have a play with the freelander.

thanks again guys as always for your help

all the best

I've used privilege in the past and they were good - didn't have the misfortune to need to claim through them so no experience there.

Companies like the AA insurance are always high if you deviate in anyway from their "model" driver.

Worst company was Elephant, with whom I had a fire in a Golf Gti I owned (caught fire while I was driving it!) - because it was a fire the car was effectively written off there and then so back then I didn't qualify for a hire car, they took forever (nearly 7 weeks to come up with an offer) and even then, only because I connected their owners (Admiral group) to ask for help before I contacted the insurance ombudsman - same day I had a good offer and two days later, a cheque.

Oddly I've been with Bell for the last few years (also part of the Admiral group) because they cover me for some additional duties for work - they have also been very good, although I always have to price match them before renewal to get a sensible price.
iam with churchill £567 per yr but iam 27 6yrs no claims i was with swinton never again over priced and the staff was so bad it was un real
I'm unemployed Disabled and wonder if that is the reason for my high insurance premium.

I tried asking them if I could park the Landy in a compound behind a locked barrier but the insurance would be a lot higher than street parking at home because of the postcodes. Apparantly rural areas are higher premiums but my Landy would be secure...dont make any sense to me:confused:
What sort of excess is on the Swift quotes above?

I think mine is £250 excess - can't really remember. Renewal this year £223 ( £238 last year) 56 years old, clean license, parked in garage attached to house. BN8 area (rural) Easy system to use - all online, but really helpful staff available on the phone. I phoned to ask them about cover for a second car (weekend toy) I was expecting only an introductory discount, but to my surprise, they mirrored my NCD onto the second policy - full NCD on both policies. Excellent service.
sureterm direct arnt too shabby, im 26 with 1 years NCB £285, i thought it was a joke when it came up top on go compare, beat the other companies by over £400,
although i do pay £650 for me and the missus to drive the focus, but she is just a provisional driver.
I'm unemployed Disabled and wonder if that is the reason for my high insurance premium.

I tried asking them if I could park the Landy in a compound behind a locked barrier but the insurance would be a lot higher than street parking at home because of the postcodes. Apparantly rural areas are higher premiums but my Landy would be secure...dont make any sense to me:confused:


im also registered disabled and found out the hard way that if an insurance company lists the word unemployed they really sting you with the premiums.

i registered myself with insurance companies as retired as when i went online and altered job descriptions the unemployent carried an extra £250 in comparrison to putting in retired.

hope this may help anyone who is disabled and the insurance company try and list you as unemployed.

ref insurance i cannot seem to get a better deal at the moment

privilage £603.14 with a £150 excess

the only thing is that named drivers dont receive there own ncb because its cheaper for my wife to insure the car but i then wouldnt get any ncb

plus i heard on the news today the government are meeting today to try and stop the bogus whiplash claims

hopefully they will suceed as us motorists get crucified in each and every way, fuel etc.

thanks again guys

Higher insurance for those unemployed was discussed on the money program. Excuse was given by insurance companies that peeps without a job are more likely to have an accident as they drive to different companies for interviews, as opposed to one fixed place of work. Also in the event of an accident unemployed peeps are more likely to try to bump up the claim value. Hence cost of insurance goes up.

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