
Well-Known Member

Just need some advice from anyone who has been in this situation.

2 months ago my 20 year daughter bought a second hand car from a dealer. I helped and thought we were careful. I did a HPI, got a receipt which stated it had three months warranty and saved the advert which stated it was in excellent condition.

We waited 3 days for it to be serviced before collecting as it had to have this for the warranty.

The car has been great and overall we were pleased with it, I am not insured so had not driven it. A couple of days ago my daughter said the brakes were making a noise. Thinking it was just dirt I arranged to drop it off at our local garage today. He rang me at work quite shocked. The brake calipers were seized and the pads had been incorrectly fitted causing uneven wear on one, one was so badly seized on it had been overheating and the pad had started to collapse. One disk was rusted over half its surface, the other half was warn down showing it had not been working for some time. He said there is no way these brakes had been serviced when she bought it.

To say I am furious is an understatement. Its a good thing I was at work and this dealer is a long way away. I rang them on the number in the ad. They stated that 2 companies operate from the site and the other one sold it. I have to ring the other one tomorrow. The ad was in the name of the first one, their names are very similar so I will admit I did not notice that the receipt was not the same name as the ad.

I know brakes are not covered by the warranty normally. However we were promised that the warranty would be emailed to us, it wasn't. This leaves the only warranty documentation as the receipt. I think that actually puts them in a worse position as it does not state what the warranty covers and therefore it could cover everything.

It has cost her £350 to put it right and I think they should cover at least some of this. They obviously did not service it which was part of the deal. The car was also not as described in the ad. It was also not fit for purpose as my garage has stated the brakes could not have been right when she bought it. They have given me the bits in a box and support me in taking this further.

To be honest I feel like forgetting the money and going after them using any legal means necessary. They could have been responsible for my daughter being hurt or even killled.

So how would you handle it

Sorry for the essay but I'm really really mad.
have word with banjoman - he was in a similar position to you, put on yo flak jacket and see what happens.
Good, I cant get my hands on the dealer tonight, anyone will do at the moment :D
Suggest you speak to the fooker who sold the car before anything else

Will do in the morning, I just really really need to vent now

Must admit his "friend" I spoke to today was a little concerned when he remembered what my job is :D
I was thinking trading standards to start with, both companies I think as one advertised and one sold. Must be breach of one of the marketing and trading statutes.

Followed of course by goods not fit for purpose.

Not sure if its illegal to sell an unroadworthy car, but it should be

Complaints to auto trader as it must breach their conditions for them to advertise in one name and sell in another. The ad appeared on ebay as well, must be worth a complaint to them.

Then there are all the sites where you can rate businesses, a few minus marks and comments should all help.

Any other useful ideas
I was thinking trading standards to start with, both companies I think as one advertised and one sold. Must be breach of one of the marketing and trading statutes.

Followed of course by goods not fit for purpose.

Not sure if its illegal to sell an unroadworthy car, but it should be

Complaints to auto trader as it must breach their conditions for them to advertise in one name and sell in another. The ad appeared on ebay as well, must be worth a complaint to them.

Then there are all the sites where you can rate businesses, a few minus marks and comments should all help.

Any other useful ideas

Funny enough either****-if-you-already-have-76002.html
or my site in my signature

how about a letter, calmly worded and asking them, considering what has happened, what are they intending to do about it? going in all guns blazing will do your cause no good. read the above thread, as Fanny said.
Funny enough either****-if-you-already-have-76002.html
or my site in my signature


Thats great, thank you

We dont actually want to return the car, she likes it, our garage said its OK, except for the brakes.

Now they are fixed the car is fine. I couldn't take it back for them to fix. By the time my garage had taken the brakes apart (to clean them up) they found them too bad and had to mend them.

I will try an email along those lines with scanned copies of all the documentation. Perhaps she will get a contribution to the costs if I push hard enough.

Trouble is I think that is letting them off. Some poor devil could buy something from them tomorrow and end up in an accident.

I had this a 10 years ago with an MOT on my old Landy. They issued a certificate when they had charged to fix things they hadn't. I returned it and made them put it right but even now I think I should have reported them to anyone who would have been interested.
What i did was.....

called the dealer 1st and explained me problem, he took the car back for repairs and i still wasnt happy with the brakes so i emailed him, called him several times...never lost me temper or raised my voice once...

Kept reminding him of my legal rights, in the end he gave up and refunded but i was around 100 notes out of pocket but that was better than having a 250bhp t5 with dodgey brakes
Thats great, thank you

We dont actually want to return the car, she likes it, our garage said its OK, except for the brakes.

Now they are fixed the car is fine. I couldn't take it back for them to fix. By the time my garage had taken the brakes apart (to clean them up) they found them too bad and had to mend them.

I will try an email along those lines with scanned copies of all the documentation. Perhaps she will get a contribution to the costs if I push hard enough.

Trouble is I think that is letting them off. Some poor devil could buy something from them tomorrow and end up in an accident.

I had this a 10 years ago with an MOT on my old Landy. They issued a certificate when they had charged to fix things they hadn't. I returned it and made them put it right but even now I think I should have reported them to anyone who would have been interested.

Ask for parts from your car, and letter from garage that did repairs stating what they found if not on bill.

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