I've decided that it's time to replace my battery in the landy - its struggled to start again this morning, which its done for a few weeks off and on, now more on than off!
I've searched on here and on google and seems that the Bosch HSB019 could be a good one to go for. I've got access to a halfords trade card and also can get another 10% off with some gift vouchers (buy the vouchers for 10% less than advertised price ) so I will probably go with halfords - eurocarparts are same price and can't get discount there.
Question is - is this one that people would recommend or is there a beefier/cheaper one I should look at?
Cheers guys....
I've searched on here and on google and seems that the Bosch HSB019 could be a good one to go for. I've got access to a halfords trade card and also can get another 10% off with some gift vouchers (buy the vouchers for 10% less than advertised price ) so I will probably go with halfords - eurocarparts are same price and can't get discount there.
Question is - is this one that people would recommend or is there a beefier/cheaper one I should look at?
Cheers guys....