
New Member
Hi guys, I plan to get a full canvas for my 90 and possibly sell the truck cab and ifor williams back, i also have a 3/4 canvas for it which i was going to sell, was just wondering if i could use the sticks from that and just buy a few to make it a full set, is that possible? or do you have to buy a full set?

Cheers Chris
You can buy all the hood sticks and components individually. Check the parts catalogue for the numbers.
Get a roll bar aswell so you have somewhere to mount your seatbelts, and so that you have a remote chance if you roll it! An ex-mil one would be ideal. Other than that you would need the rail above the screen, the front hood stick, the bits above the door and then the staples and hooks around the tub to tie the hood onto.

Try emailing all wheel trim, they are well helpful and knowledgeable

Cheers guys I was hoping that would be the answer, should be quite a bit cheaper then. And I did wonder about seat belts I will have a bit of a search around then. Thanks again Chris
I got onto all wheel trims and this was there reply

No problem, the best and most cost effective way is to sell the present set up and start with new and the reason for that is you can only use the rear hoop and the middle hoop and you would still have to buy the rest

Never mind thought I was going to save myself some money then

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