
New Member
went offroading the other weekend, ever since, cant get bonnet open... really annoying me, i have done the normal thing, pulled on the bonnet opener, does not click open like usual. i followed the cable right to the front of the vehicle, and it looks to me like the latch is jammed, i have washed it out throughouly, oiled it etc... still no hope, i have even wrenched on the wire, as hard as i can... any ideas helpful people? im really stuck without getting to the engine! cheers guys! -Rob-
what vehicle is it?? if its 90 mine did the same, i had the same problem caused by the same thing. Remove the front plastic grille and look up you should see the lock mech, where the cable attaches to it hit that part towards the drivers side with a hammer and punch/chisel and it should open then clean and lube the lock, it workes with mine good luck!!!!
thanks so much graham, yes it is a 90. i will try again later today, its quite akward to get to, i have taken the grill away, and i can see the mechanism, so all i have to do is use a hammer? cos i was very afraid to break it yesterday when using brut force! im so glad i am not the only one it has happend to! cheers! Rob
I DID IT! WOHOOO! cheers mate! cleaned it out... have not tried it again thought! am a bit scared to! i had to use a screwdriver to wrench the stupid mechanism up! but done it anyhow! am going to get rid of that cra-p mechanism, cos it seems to me to be farr to sophisticated to actually work, so scrap that, and just get some simple pind through the body and through the bonnet, easy to undo, without all the caffufle! cheers mate! Rob.
No problem pal nice to be able to help a fellow landy lover!! haha
Where you from and where do you off road?? always searching for new places to go and play in my defender cause they look so much better in the muddy brown colour rather than the factory finish!!!!!!
indeed, same with mine! i live down south of england, in a county called surrey right on the brink of becoming hampshire... R

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