
Active Member
Hi all

My P38 failed its test today on high emissions. First time I've been to this centre - never even had a warning on emissions before. They are suggesting it needs an entire exhaust system including cats which is probably right. My question is - as I am loathe to spend the money at this time of year, can I simply take the car to my usual tester who I assume simply puts it through on emissions? Lack of integrity aside, is it actually doable? or will the system flag up that it has failed elsewhere?
Hi all

My P38 failed its test today on high emissions. First time I've been to this centre - never even had a warning on emissions before. They are suggesting it needs an entire exhaust system including cats which is probably right. My question is - as I am loathe to spend the money at this time of year, can I simply take the car to my usual tester who I assume simply puts it through on emissions? Lack of integrity aside, is it actually doable? or will the system flag up that it has failed elsewhere?

Being that test machines are standardised if it failed on one it should fail on any other machine it's coupled to. As the computer is logged in with your vehicle details to VOSA for the test it maybe fair to assume any readings are transmitted to them. But don't quote me on that one.
Hi all

My P38 failed its test today on high emissions. First time I've been to this centre - never even had a warning on emissions before. They are suggesting it needs an entire exhaust system including cats which is probably right. My question is - as I am loathe to spend the money at this time of year, can I simply take the car to my usual tester who I assume simply puts it through on emissions? Lack of integrity aside, is it actually doable? or will the system flag up that it has failed elsewhere?

Does it get a good long run regularly ?
Which 'bit' of the emissions did it fail on ? ...
Was the CO reading fine at idle, but way out during the fast idle test ?
Does it get a good long run regularly ?
Which 'bit' of the emissions did it fail on ? ...
Was the CO reading fine at idle, but way out during the fast idle test ?
Good questions - haven't fully been over it yet - need to get to the test centre but will ask those things
And it's has a mix of short and long runs but I don't think its something a decent run will sort. Imagine the cats are feeling their 16 years!!
It's all logged direct with VOSA. These days, individuals have a smart card that's used too. They insert at the start of the test and remove at the end.

If it fails at one station then passes at another it could be flagged up. Second tester would be in a whole like of trouble if he faked the readings to get it through.
If the other guy is your usual tester, ask him to check the emission carefully. If it passes with him, you're covered and it's his problem if VOSA get in touch surely?
Who's to say you haven't fitted new CATs and taken it to him instead of the first place.
Personally my experience is most systems like this are so complicated and convoluted no one knows whats going on from one desk to another, and even if it is flagged, no one will be arsed to do anything about it anyway.
Don't make that mistake! VOSA do check and do make spot inspections both announced and unannounced.
My sons little (1.4 petrol) Fiat should have failed on emissions .. took it for an Italian Tune-up (thrashed feck out of it for a couple of miles along the A1 in low gears, high revs, under load, mostly uphill) to burn ****e out ... worked a treat with emissions way lower than almost any other previous tests. ;)
I usually take my car to a MOT tester that charges the recommended price and if it fails you get 10 days and the retest is free,
I didnt have time to take it to my usual tester and took it to a cheap 27.50pounds station but he failed the car on a blown No plate globe so i had to take it for a retest and that cost me another 20quid so i wont be using him again as it seem cheaper to go to my regular station where he would have fitted the globe and passed it .
So beware of cheap MOT tests
I usually take my car to a MOT tester that charges the recommended price and if it fails you get 10 days and the retest is free,
I didnt have time to take it to my usual tester and took it to a cheap 27.50pounds station but he failed the car on a blown No plate globe so i had to take it for a retest and that cost me another 20quid so i wont be using him again as it seem cheaper to go to my regular station where he would have fitted the globe and passed it .
So beware of cheap MOT tests

Sadly lots of MOT stations still use the test as a revenue/work generator. They would rather charge you £20.00 for a retest than a couple of quid and two minutes to change a bulb.
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My run diesel around failed its emissions test a couple of years ago. A bottle of cat clean and a thrash up the A13 brought it back to normal after 30 mins.
I ALWAYS take my cars for a good drive, at least half hour in 2 years lower than you would normally to get it nice and hot - haven't had one fail on emissions yet and I had a smokey ass NA
A friend of mine had a emissions failure, he changed air and diesel filters then took it for a good blast for an hour up and down the motorway. It passed.
My run diesel around failed its emissions test a couple of years ago. A bottle of cat clean and a thrash up the A13 brought it back to normal after 30 mins.

There is no diesel emissions test on the MOT just a smoke test. And it has to be pretty bad to fail that. ;);)
just an aside.

It failed the MOT and the test station is suggesting a new exhaust system ?

without any idea as to the cause of the high emissions, it's like saying my car has a flat tyre and the tyre fitter suggests replacing all the tyres. It could be the case, but could not also.

Yes, you may need a new exhaust due to corrosion and age, but that' not the reason it failed is it ?#

Yes the cats may be worn and the O2 sensors dead but first off you need to determine why the emissions are high. it could well be the MAF is dead and causing rich running. A new echaust may help but may not solve the problem.
I ALWAYS take my cars for a good drive, at least half hour in 2 years lower than you would normally to get it nice and hot - haven't had one fail on emissions yet and I had a smokey ass NA

The new standard emission test rigs won't take any readings or function at all until they get a signal that the engine is up to temperature. ;)
The new standard emission test rigs won't take any readings or function at all until they get a signal that the engine is up to temperature. ;)

Yeah I mean hot as in Italian tune up/burn off coke deposits etc that might give elevated readings - unsure if I am wasting my time with a diesel but all my petrol cars were certainly 'livelier' after.
Yeah I mean hot as in Italian tune up/burn off coke deposits etc that might give elevated readings - unsure if I am wasting my time with a diesel but all my petrol cars were certainly 'livelier' after.

Yes a good thrashing now and again does a lot of good, specially if your daily driving is short distance low speed. Also same for diesels. ;);)

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