Tis a horrible story and we have to feel very sorry for them, but at the end of the day this came about because he drove his landrover with his family in it into a flooded river - and it's only got celebrity status coz he writes for LRO. Not to say it isn't a worthwhile cause, because Air Ambulances are very worthwhile causes, just not sure if its a particularly good example.
Tis a horrible story and we have to feel very sorry for them, but at the end of the day this came about because he drove his landrover with his family in it into a flooded river - and it's only got celebrity status coz he writes for LRO. Not to say it isn't a worthwhile cause, because Air Ambulances are very worthwhile causes, just not sure if its a particularly good example.

Not strictly true OD he pulled over on a single track lane to let a transit van go past and the landy drove over a deep dip that was obscured by long grass and it slewed the 110 round causing it to roll over and end up, upside down in the river. It could have happened to anyone, Just be thankfull it wasn't any of us or our's.
I agree with the cause on the grounds that when off green laning often an air ambulance is the only vehicle capable of getting to you. Even if a landrover ambulance were able to get to you, the chances of them getting you to hospital before you die (in the event of a serious accident) are slim. If you had a neck or spinal injury you would be paralised long before you got to the hospital.
Fair enough, an auction for the Lincs Air Ambulance is Gresh's way of thanking the helicopter crew for their great work (nobody could deny him that), but what I want to know is why are the Air Ambulances still run on a charity basis given that these days they are an integral part of the emergency services? It's the 21st century for Gawd's sake, they should be funded by central government, not by donation! It’s disgusting.

Also the 'celebrity status' comment is ill-informed as believe me, the bloke is a real natural, one of us if you will, so is very much liked by so many people. Attending all the Land Rover shows helping out Custom Vinyl Graphics, it was obvious he was a real family man so the loss of FOUR children in one accident must have been devastating for the family. Regardless of an LRO link or any other, this tragedy has over-ridden all boundries.
Im not aware of what happened, but this sounds like a terrible tragedy and a very worthwhile cause
i mean why do you think its pony?Im not judging your opion just wondering how you come about it
Fair enough, an auction for the Lincs Air Ambulance is Gresh's way of thanking the helicopter crew for their great work (nobody could deny him that), but what I want to know is why are the Air Ambulances still run on a charity basis given that these days they are an integral part of the emergency services? It's the 21st century for Gawd's sake, they should be funded by central government, not by donation! It’s disgusting.

Also the 'celebrity status' comment is ill-informed as believe me, the bloke is a real natural, one of us if you will, so is very much liked by so many people. Attending all the Land Rover shows helping out Custom Vinyl Graphics, it was obvious he was a real family man so the loss of FOUR children in one accident must have been devastating for the family. Regardless of an LRO link or any other, this tragedy has over-ridden all boundries.
Working in an Ambulance Trust with now 3 air ambulances operating, the funding of them has been a point of debate for a long time. One point of view is that the helicopter is a very expensive commodity, and bearing in mind the fact that:
1) most don't fly in the hours of darkness
2) their ability to land near a casualty is very tightly governed, and the pilot has to make a decision as to whether landing and taking off with a patient on board poses a greater risk to the patient than the additional time taken to be moved by a land ambulance.
3) The landing sites at some hospitals are quite distant from the A+E and need a land ambulance to transfer them to A+E

Having said that air ambulances are agood way of delivering expert help quickly, and can transport ill patients in comfort quickly.

So as when air ambulances were introduced it was considered that they were a luxury and it is only recently that they have been recognised as a valuable asset.

All said and done we all pay for them somehow as "state funding" means increased taxes
i mean why do you think its pony?Im not judging your opion just wondering how you come about it

cos yer man that killed his kiddy by showing off were on ere moanin about it just after he done it, now he's bleatin on about it again. tryin ter ease his conscience. fair enough the air ambulance is a fookin brilliant thing but it dunt need him ter ease his guilt by supporting it. just fookin support it anyway.

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