Hello all just joined a few days ago and am already looking for help

I bought a 1996 disco about 10 days ago 63000 with service history belonged to an eldery gentleman who died five years ago his daughter inherited the car stuck it in the garage and is only now she could bring herself to parting with it the vehicle is in A1 condition inside and out its been motd every year but its last service was 2002 since then it has'nt covered 1900 miles

when I got it it black smoke splutterd out when you put the foot down then would clear and pull away without the black smoke no smoke when idling either the 300tdi is clearly a more complexed beast than my old and forgiving s3 so I'm just looking for some advice on my next step

I suspect the injectors, pump valves or maybe even the exhaust which is fairly corroded and may be slightly blocked on inside I changed the air filter which was almost as if the paper had solidified! and that has made a difference am also bunging in brand additives to clean injectors with every tank (only used 2 fills so far) but I feel there is still better to come from it

can I ask for your thoughts please what can I check or do ( bearing in mind I class myself as an amatuer mechanic with a capital A) before throwing myself at the mercy of a garage or should I run it for a while yet with additives to see if we can clear the sleep out her eyes after her long hybernation

thanks for any help
Sounds like your on the right track if it's just a case of cleaning the engine out. If it's been just stood around that wont help. Maybe try an oil change, if the air filter's that gunked up the oil and oil filter probably will be too. And possibly the fuel filter if its never been done. Just try all the basics first, if nothing then it wouild be something more serious.

Changing the filters is easy (just make sure you get a chain wrench for the oil filter, its in a pain of a place to get to)

bex and tom
first off replace the fuel filter and clean out the sediment bowl (right hand rear above the axle), when refitting the fuel filter fill it with some of the fuel cleaner that you have been using this will certainly clean out the injectors (no harm will come of it), if you have bio diesel available in your area use that or if not not treat it to some veg oil mixed in with your fuel (this will also clean out all the crap and is cleaner running). Remove or blank off the egr valve (check the threads on here about it)
Probably just a symptom of being sat around doing nothing for ages. Give it a good long run out on the motorway.

Also, don't forget to change belts etc. they degrade with time just as much as they do with use, so make sure they are OK - especially the cam belt!

Hello all just joined a few days ago and am already looking for help

I bought a 1996 disco about 10 days ago 63000 with service history belonged to an eldery gentleman who died five years ago his daughter inherited the car stuck it in the garage and is only now she could bring herself to parting with it the vehicle is in A1 condition inside and out its been motd every year but its last service was 2002 since then it has'nt covered 1900 miles

when I got it it black smoke splutterd out when you put the foot down then would clear and pull away without the black smoke no smoke when idling either the 300tdi is clearly a more complexed beast than my old and forgiving s3 so I'm just looking for some advice on my next step

I suspect the injectors, pump valves or maybe even the exhaust which is fairly corroded and may be slightly blocked on inside I changed the air filter which was almost as if the paper had solidified! and that has made a difference am also bunging in brand additives to clean injectors with every tank (only used 2 fills so far) but I feel there is still better to come from it

can I ask for your thoughts please what can I check or do ( bearing in mind I class myself as an amatuer mechanic with a capital A) before throwing myself at the mercy of a garage or should I run it for a while yet with additives to see if we can clear the sleep out her eyes after her long hybernation

thanks for any help

Read the very recent posts from me to HybridGirl about this very problem.
It is highly likely that the turbo boost compensator on top of your injection pump is stuck DOWN by crap and crud, and cleaning this out is easy enough.

Once it has freed off, the maximum fuel delivery will be held back till the turbo pressure (boost) rises, and then the max fuel should be increased in proportion to the air being delivered to the engine and JUST below the "black smoke" point.

At the moment I suspect your diaphragm is stuck down, which makes the injection pump think there is maximum turbo boost (when in fact there is none) thus allowing HUGE amounts of fuel through, so much that the engine can't burn it.

You can fix this in an hour, but do make sure it is clean, and moves freely.

Clean out the whole length of pipes and hose from the Boost compensator to the manifold. It is down that pipe that all the crap came from.

If you need help, contact HybridGirl ...

10k boost it, my 200tdi had been stood for 2 years un run and it smoked a fair bit when fitted, a tin of 10k boost followed the instructions and the difference was amazing, expensive at about 20quid but well worth the effort and definately got me through the MOT

Cheers Steve
Sure, these injection cleaners are good, but the symptoms suggest the turbo boost diaphragm, as was the case with HybridGirl's the other day.

She fixed hers in no time then dumped me.

yes hybridgirl love to here from you
and would like to thank everyone who has contributed so far I got the disco just under 100 miles from my farm and although the timing belt had been changed on the last service that was almost six ago
so i was aware that it was nearinig the end of its life let me tell you it was a long drive back the only precaution i took to prevent the belt snapping was crossing my fingers!
changing the belt left too much chance for me to erse it up so it went straight to garage to have new t belt plus modified kit and aux belt changed whilst it was there
I'll start acting on all advice and report back
yes hybridgirl love to hear from you

HA HA .... HybridGirl and LOVE next to each other in the same sentence!

She'll use you and dump you like she did to me .... sob ....

But, butter her up 'cause she knows how to sort your turbo boost diaphragm!


PS - watch out for her fella -- he sounds a bit ruff an' tuff to me ...
naw! HB is all mine - she only goes fur the smart sophisticated types. Rufty tufty indeed - she has better taste!:rolleyes:
wudnt sprise me - maybe its sumone she met whilst in France.

:eek: - naw it cudnt be slob, cud it - he aint smart and soffisti-wotevva:eek::eek:

naw - still reckon its me - she just dont know it yet.

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