
New Member
Hi all,

Thanks to those who contributed to my head gasket thread, I've narrowed it down to being most likely the Vfan. However, I've read here about a mod that uses the existing twin A/C fans as a substitute to the Vfan, even if it's just to prove it's the Vfan before I go to the expense of replacing it.

Does anyone know about how this is done? I know there is a mod provided by Datatek but I think he might be away and I don't want to go hacking about with the electrics willy-nilly!


PM Datatek, he can email you the diagram and parts specs for you!!

EDIT: Just read your last paragraph - Think he might be on hols - I have sent you a PM
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You been on hols Keith or was it a lock in at the swingers club? :D:D:D

Just had a house full of visitors Tony, been a laugh a minute, no time to play with the computer. Went to the historic car event in Angouleme yesterday, great day out, didn't get back until 3 AM. Might enter the MR2 next year as it seems to be one of only three registered in France. More Ferrari's than I've ever seen outside the Ferrari club day at our local track:D:D:D
Keith, not meaning to stand on toes - but thought you was on hols, so I sent him the mod that you kindly sent to me back in April.....hope that was OK :)

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