
New Member
Good Morning,
I have a few upcoming problems with my 1996 P38 (Don’t we all !!) and need a local (Forest of Dean) independent garage to undertake the work (beyond my knowledge).

Any recommendations would be hugely appreciated.


Not hugely local too you, but not that far away either...

Steve hill landrover in bristol... Absolutely brilliant, cant recommend them enough.
There is Allisport in Birdwood as well, but I think they're more in to Defenders - not sure though, never used them. They quoted me £200 quid once to weld a flat patch over a hole on the outside of my rear cross-member (on my 90) - did it myself in the end!
Many thanks for your help

I’ve been up to see Nick at Quabbs Garage
He certainly knows his stuff

Just got to wait for the bill now !!!!!


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