New Member
Anyone have some amusing or not so amusing camp fire tales to tell?

now that summers on the way and the tent is all aired out. i've been remembering all the STUPID things i've either done or seen while laning/camping.

one that always makes me laugh is watching a friend being chased by a badger, dropping his keys and having to jump on the bonnet of his 90 to get away from it.(perfect kodak moment)

didnt realise how agressive they were and that they growl and (sort of) bark!

and thats now the reason he never locks his 90 and is afraid to pee in the woods!:D
I can't say I recall any from my childhood apart from the usual numpty who threw a lot of paraffin onto the fire to help it get going - WHOOOOOOOOOOSH.

No, not me I was only young at the time and now I'm too much of a boring auld fart to do these kinds of things (goofs I mean, not camping.)

I can see this turning into a very amusing thread though. I look forward to some of the tales yet to come.
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yes, good old paraffin. seen a similar situation with petrol. also started a small trail from where it had been leaking from the car to the fire. it's not just in the movies guys. fire does follow the trail and will burn your fecking car. luckily i always carry a fire extinguisher. sometimes in case of fires. always in case of stupidity!
Oh oh oh!

Not quite campfire side, but about 6 or 7 years ago I had the pleasure of happening to be gazing out the caravan window in the right direction when a french family's mother was getting dressed and her husband or children happened to throw the tent flaps open - it wasn't just the tent's flaps that were flappin' in the wind - made my entire holiday that did (like I said, I'm an auld fart and she was quite young, 30 something) which was just as well coz' it had rained for the entire fortnight.

For a laugh, I fired up my barbecue (gas powered) in a really, really heavy downpour and stood there cooking my chicken bits, much to the amusement of most of the other site users. Even the management mentioned it when I was booking out (apparently everyone was talking about it.)
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last time i was camping with friends, one of them decided to pick up a huge log for fire, in a kinda 'macho' way and threw it over his head. didnt account for the branch sticking out nr the bottom and knocked himself out on it! was a bit of a 'had to be there' moment but had us in stitches for ages! theres always one lol

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