S3 88

New Member
Hi Guy's

Im thinking of doing a camo paint job on my S3 88.

The red paint that's on is an embarrsment to landy's really.

So do you guy's have any tips of this painting procudure.
Pictures would be really helpful aswell

Cheers Gavin
1) take lid off green paint tin
2)stand 10 feet back
3)throw paint at landy
4)repeat 1-3 with black paint
5) hey presto

Excellent DISCO trouble is the clear up afterwards.I would imagine it would be very messy.End results might be good though:D

Cheers Gavin
sorry, i forgot to tell you, take it to a local layby then the council will leave the mess for 4 years ;)
If you want a realistic army paint job then paint it with a 4" brush, no primer or anything like that. Then when it starts flaking off just go over the top of everything again. Repeat this procedure (occasionally changing the green for sand) until your Rover's about half an inch thicker ;)

If you want it to look nice: ask your local finishing supplies to mix up some NATO green into aerosols for you.

If you want to be posh: a professional sprayer can do it for about a grand.

Or, what's behind door number four...?
Thanks for the reply's guy's

I thought about may be using a paint roller .One of those small smooth one's.

Any body have any experince in using a roller.

Cheers Gavin
Yes S3 88,
I first used a small smooth roller on mine, I did it black though. However the roller left small air bubbles in the paint surface so I did it with a brush in the end.

Regards WP.
Garteth is spot on if you want a genuine looking job. Although those days are long gone what with the advent of two pack paints and the environmentalists.
i must admit gareth has a lovely selection of military vehicles and they are all well turned out, but i personally prefer the brush method as i think it looks authentic.
OK Gareth I admit it I've been in and out a few times and said hello. I've just rectified that and read your Germen trip. You drove within 5 miles of my place; I live just of the 1 in Osnabrueck. Drop me a line if you're passing in the future.

Will do! That last trip was great fun - until the starter motor died just before the Polish border :rolleyes:

We'll be over again some time this year...
There is a standard pattern for this job to break up the vehicles silhouette, shine and shape.. it hasnt really changed even with the wolf variant...I could probably get you a copy
hi craggus

Yes if you could get me a copy that would be really helpful.
Cant wait to get started on the paint job.However there's alot of prep work before starting.

Thanks Gavin
Hey Gareth just checked your website....that Face LR takes me back....when I first joined as a young gunner...there used to be an enter button on a long cable and everythime I input somethinmg into the computer the Detachment Commander used to hit me over the head with it....Ahh Command Post days

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