
Hi Guys....

Having had mixed response to my Jurassic Park D1 Build
I thought id stir it up again.....

Waddya think?


Still bits to do but you get the idea....

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Probably not what you want to hear, but to my eye it looks crap and just wrong!

If I were doing a replica I'd choose a particular Camel trophy year and a particular team car and use that as the basis, not someone's idea of what a Camel should be. Too many people using the colour and 'similar' but wrong decals just dilute the appeal for me, I mean, Terrafirma?
Ahh... Indeed - Basicly it was never going to be a replica - im using it for RTV trials
and just wanted a bit of fun - Like my jurassic park one....
And yeah, i know, - Terrafirma - i may well take that one off!!! -

It probably wouldn't be too hard to do an accurate replica - but i didn't want to put that much money into something that has a limited lifetime

It's ok. As in, it causes me no harm. And anyone who kicks up, is, well just being a tit I guess. Certainly likely to standout and make a statement, as well as be noticed.

That said, it's not exactly my cup of tea. As in, I wouldn't do the same, and I'd be unlikely to want to pull the camera out and grab a photo of it. Maybe on some bigger tyres, nicer rims and less stickers I would though.

But I certainly don't hate on it and it causes me no offence.
I allways find the one life live it stickers a bit cringe worthy to be honest -
It was the mission statement of the camel trophy -
Mongolia 97 wold have looked a bit naff on a 98 D1...

The Jurassic Park truck was its predecessor...

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