
New Member
I have a 97 Disco 300TDI. 3 months ago I had the cambelt replaced (no problems but it was time) and 2 weeks later it failed, it had shredded. Back to garage and they found that they had used the wrong cambelt kit (didnt know about the modification), replaced with new kit, push rods replaced and I got the LR back. Failed next day, some tappett adjustors had failed and I had lost power. Replaced, got the LR back and the next day there was a clunking noise from around the camshaft/fanbelt area. The garage are going to check the cambelt (again) and am waiting to see if it is breaking again. They have told me that if it is, I will need to replace the camshaft, as the new belt has caused it to move and therefore the cambelt is out of alignment. Has anyone ever had this problem, am I unlucky or as I suspect, the garage have no other ideas. I should point out that I am based in France and the garage has probably not dealt with many LRs. Grateful for any advice on this as I adore this car and since we have owned it (4years) it has been perfect, never let me down.
have you got the modified injector pump mount on it as i have been told to change mine for that type else possibly the cambelt will shred been told this by my mechanic who has worked on landies for 30 years... any help to you?
Thank for your replies and advice, will be hearing something Tues/Wed on whether the clonking noise is anything to do with the cambelt. I will go armed with your advice when I hear more. Wish I had a 30 yr experienced LR mech instead of Citroen one! Though will have to gen up on what a injector pump mount is first. If my memory serves me well, I think the tensioners have been checked out. I can only pray that they have fitted the correct cambelt kit now. LR France provided them with the one that corresponded to the engine number. Seems they didnt remember about the modification either. We are now approaching the 12th week since the replaced cambelt shredded and I have managed to drive it for 500km. Quick is not the word!!! I think I am doomed...... Will let you know the outcome. Thanks again.
Thanks for the replies to my query. Landrover still at the garage. This time the problem is with a 'screw' of some sort on the head. Didnt really get the gist of the problem, will no doubt be shown what it was when I eventually get the go ahead to bring my car home. They are test driving it around to clock up the miles and then recheck the belt (will be 6th time) and fingers crossed I can have it back.
Re: over tensioning, that is a good point and one they have belated thought about, just have no idea if they acted on it!

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