
I was just curious as to how many females actuall own and drive landrovers, and what type?

go on....... stand up and be counted!

why not post a pic of you and yer landy....swimwear optional! :p

you can of course send me your vitals statistics for future reference, but be warned I'm busy most weekends, and its only the first one thats free! :cool::cool:

I am a lady and i want you to fiddle with my clutch while i tighten your ball joints...
But not all the profiles identify the females..... and as we know...... not all the females drive thier own Landy :mil84:
I knew i should have spent a bit more time in your lovely part of the empire...shame we decided to kill terrorists somewhere else...'s decided ye were safer at home an we had to sort the feckers out ourselves. Then ye came back an put them inte a government responsible for security and education!

Nice one.....spose thats what you call a result! :cool:

Excuse 4king moi...was there not a vote? Did not the people of N Ireland vote for this shower of ****e? As the catholics are the minority I assume you either couldn't be arsed to get off your sister long enough to vote, or your fellow God forsaken atheist friends voted for them...:confused:
:confused: No paddy here im fraid! picked the wrong side as usual ya daft ****!

Pfft! Simply going on your location my little friend... But I have to say it looks as if you're the one who picked the 'wrong side' your picture appears to be an AC Cobra......... hmm "LandyZone" the clue is in the title...... :rolleyes:
Again, bottom talking from Mr History...are you aware of Michael Collins...are you aware of what happened in not only the 70's but also the decades before? Bring it to our door? What an ignorant comment. If you are going to have beliefs and principles, fight the cause, then you do not capitulate. The only man who can hold his head high in any of this is a certain Michael Stone, maybe you have heard of him? At least he had the dignity to continue, alone, for his beliefs...up to and including a one man assault on Stormont...You, sir, are a buffoon.

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