
Active Member
Ok guys before i explain i'll cut to the chase is there anyone within about 50 miles of me with a reader that can turn off my SRS light.

ok the explanation of what went on lol

i decided it was time to tackle the the speedo and a couple of other little things all in one go.
(for the record the speedo isnt fixed but i'll explain what was done to give a clue whats gone on)

removed battery negative (good practice when playing with wires)
removed the plug on the transducer (cut it with 3 or 4 inch wire on)
removed the fuse box (in cab, found out the reason i get no buzz is someone has removed it from the MFU)
removed the dash clocks

next came the "fixes"
replaces wired from the transducer plug running to the fuse box and the back of the clocks
put a link in between the yellow/green wire from the reverse switch to what was yellow/green on transducer plug (now a new wire) and cut the green/yellow on the back of the reverse light switch (passed the connector)
found and put the diff lock switch wires back on

next came refitting
dash all back in without trouble

then come the error and problem i put the fuse box back together and back in place but not paying enough attention to what i was doing i plugged 2 of the connectors in the wrong place

the SRS yellow demon wire, and the single pin wire coming from the large block
battery wire back on
SRS light flashes at me i know there's something wrong, so back in the fuse box i go.
seen the issue change the wires back around (i did re-remove the battery terminal while doing this lol)
then light came on with ignition started and it went off. figured all good NOPE...

a coffee later i decided to go check all the things i'd "fixed".
reverse light works perfect every time you go into reverse now no more fighting it sometimes on sometimes not. the diff lock light pop's up nice when locked and go's away when not. but the SRS stays on forever.

as for the speedo transducer has been changed all new wires so its clocks or transfer box internals now so back on hold and phone to the rescue again lol (issue is reading 25+mph at pull off and go's up to 46mph by the time im doing 15mph and just stays there, has been the same since before both "fix" attempts)

anyone with idea on any of this feel free to let me know and anyone who can turn my light off i'll be grateful and happy to travel to you at a time good for you :)
UPDATE TIME: ok so tried several diag systems including a snap on all with no luck connecting, however a "rough" drive and the SRS is no longer permanent it now comes and go's and flashes when it pleases. i've now got 2 thoughts and would love to know what you guys think.
the disco is a 300tdi nothing special in terms of extras. no air con, no radio controls, no passenger air bag just a box standard 5 seater. now my 2 thoughts are....

1, could this be a loose wire somewhere i know i dont have the wires under the seats but are there others i can be checking!
2, after replacing the speed transducer and the cables i have put the speedo fault down to the clocks, could the clocks also be the reason for my SRS light playing up.

as always any advice would be gratefully received and if there's anyone willing to try scan the systems for me i'm still more than willing to travel to you :)
This is from the Disco 1 RAVE:

SRS Indicators

The SRS indicators are controlled by the Air Bag Diagnostic Control Module (Z151) and the SRS Indicator Control Circuit of the instrument cluster (Z142) to indicate SRS System faults.

warning cct.gif
"The SRS indicators are controlled by the Air Bag Diagnostic Control Module (Z151) and the SRS Indicator Control Circuit of the instrument cluster (Z142) to indicate SRS System faults."
thanks for the reply brian however im a bit useless when it comes to reading charts and things, im more a look and see guy :(, however from looking at that i think i may know my issue but could do with someone who knows more than me to confirm. when i rewired the speed transducer i did so as follows, yellow/green wire replaced from transducer to fuse 14 (i see that fuse in the diagram). while doing so i noticed the reverse light switch also runs on a green/yellow wire and after changing the speedo wire the reverse switch no longer worked. so i figured they were both running through fuse 14, added a small loop wire from the green/yellow to the new wire i put on the transducer. it fixed the reverse switch but still speedo was the same (hence me now putting it down to the clocks). should the reverse switch have gone through something else before the fuse!

additional note: the reverse switch would work if and when it pleased (had to throw it into reverse 4 or 5 times to get it to work), now it works just about every time.
Hi ceffyn As you prob know SRS light is to do with Air bags ? And if I'm right it's behind the speed'o face !?
Mine only has 1 air bag in steering wheel as i changed the dash & that's disarmed (cut wires so no power) To stop lights I took the front off the speed'o ! Bit of a faff ! & took the bulbs out, same with the ABS as mine hasn't got ABS anymore !:eek::rolleyes::p

Hi ceffyn As you prob know SRS light is to do with Air bags ? And if I'm right it's behind the speed'o face !?
Mine only has 1 air bag in steering wheel as i changed the dash & that's disarmed (cut wires so no power) To stop lights I took the front off the speed'o ! Bit of a faff ! & took the bulbs out, same with the ABS as mine hasn't got ABS anymore !:eek::rolleyes::p

yes im aware of it being the air bag and also only have the steering wheel one, if disarming and de-powering is an option im all for it as i dont like air bags anyway, on top of that i do a lot of off road work and always have in my mind that its only going to take 1 dodgy ding or bounce to explode it in my face. from the reading i have done the lights are soldered on behind the rev clock face but last time i had the clocks out i couldnt see a way to remove the pins without snapping them. any option to get the light gone is good with me im more than happy to remove wires and things if i have too.

without you guys on here to help me i would be stuck scratching my head, im a computer guy but wanting, willing and able to learn the wonders of LR lol.
anyone with a computer issue i'll be happy to help but as for anything esle im like most people i know a little about a lot but a lot about **** all haha
How the F**k do I get spell cheker to work?
Do you have torque allen keys ? If so theirs 4 torque screws behind steering wheel take out lift out airbag/horn ! Think airbag wire has Yellow sheath over wires :rolleyes: with small Red plug ! trace & unplug ! Job done !:rolleyes::eek::) But i think light stays on:eek::oops::mad: It is behind Rev clock ! Clocks OUT in hands ! All the front off ! DO NOT try to get the needle off ! TAKE 2 little screws out ! Lift the face & you should be able to get to bulbs ! They are VERY small Buggers ! but you can get them out ! has your's got ABS ? Took mine off as the Breaks were CRAP:rolleyes::oops::eek::mad: Stops on a tanner now !:eek::):D:cool:(nearly LOL)

How the F**k do I get spell cheker to work?
Do you have torque allen keys ? If so theirs 4 torque screws behind steering wheel take out lift out airbag/horn ! Think airbag wire has Yellow sheath over wires :rolleyes: with small Red plug ! trace & unplug ! Job done !:rolleyes::eek::) But i think light stays on:eek::oops::mad: It is behind Rev clock ! Clocks OUT in hands ! All the front off ! DO NOT try to get the needle off ! TAKE 2 little screws out ! Lift the face & you should be able to get to bulbs ! They are VERY small Buggers ! but you can get them out ! has your's got ABS ? Took mine off as the Breaks were CRAP:rolleyes::oops::eek::mad: Stops on a tanner now !:eek::):D:cool:(nearly LOL)

let me know where your trying to spell check i'll let you know how hehe, got the clocks out at the moment and as far as im aware no abs or at least never seen a light for it. i'll get under when i go back out side and have a look but if it has got abs i can tell you it dont work haha.
as for the faces im sure i looked at that when i wanted to strip the speedish mech this time is all or nothing cause i know they need changing if i cant clean the mech and sort it so fingers crossed :)
ceffyn if it's got ABS the pump will be on the front wheel arch pasenger side under bonnet !

It's a while since I did mine so i'm goin from memoury !!! So you have them in your hands ? with the glass & part of the trim ? At the back their are some small screws that fastern white plastic to trim ! take out then it should come apart ! Prize the black tabs out & the screen should come away ! Then the two screws out of clock face & you should see bulbs ! THINK thats the way you do it !:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

ceffyn if it's got ABS the pump will be on the front wheel arch pasenger side under bonnet !

It's a while since I did mine so i'm goin from memoury !!! So you have them in your hands ? with the glass & part of the trim ? At the back their are some small screws that fastern white plastic to trim ! take out then it should come apart ! Prize the black tabs out & the screen should come away ! Then the two screws out of clock face & you should see bulbs ! THINK thats the way you do it !:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

its all apart and i can see what the lights are inside but cant get into it, there fairly stripped down gonna spray a silly amount of of wd40 (maint spray) in behind the face of the speedo face to see if that helps failing that new clocks will be on the cards. or if i can get one at a not so stupid price i may just put a custom speedo in place of the original. i'll have a look for the pump in bout 10 mins when i pop out to check how the wiper control arm comes off. although i think the issue with the wipres is going to be tied in with my badly failing MFU lol
ok so just been out and looked and there it is on top of the passenger side arch as stated, ABS is or at least was fitted. cant see no cut wires/pipes from a quick look but what i can say for it, i have never seen the light come on and on top of that if i slam on the brakes i can most certainly lock it up.
Well it sounds like you have ABS & it works !:eek::eek::rolleyes:
You won't get the bulb holder out BUT you can get the bulbs out ! Sorry ceffyn it's been that long since I did mine I can't remember how I got them out:confused::confused::confused::mad: May be small watch makers screwdriver ?????:rolleyes:
Shuve the little buggers side to side think that's how I got mine out !:rolleyes:

ok new update after putting the clocks back together and removing the air bag and cleaning out the few fields from behind it, put everything back together and the speedo is now only slightly out still not rite but not half as bad as it was. as for the SRS light that went out initially but then decided to come back on a small test drive (about a mile). turned off the engine and pulled the yellow wire from the fuse box. light no longer comes on with ignition or when i start her up. will know how well its worked or not in the next hour got to pop out but will be driving a good 10 miles or so while out, fingers crossed it will behave. thanks for all the help and suggestions guys loving all this learning, not so much loving the cuts bruses and fails along the way but cant enjoy the good if you don't have the bad to compare it too haha
Your supposed to be tryin to make the truck lighter so you better fuel consumption:rolleyes: LOL
As long as you get the lights out who gives a f**k can't fail MOT if they ain't on :eek::rolleyes: LOL

ok so went out and for the first 3 or 4 miles no SRS light then came a very small pot hole hardly felt it and flashed at me. bout 1/2 mile more down the road and she came, so still no win with the light. As for my speedo that seems to be getting more accurate over time. (could be the spray working in)

if i get a chance i'll take some pics tomorrow of the issue im having with getting to the lights.
FINAL UPDATE: cleaned up ALL contacts i could find related to the SRS and now it seems to be behaving, Speedo seems to be staying more stable now.
did have a new issue last night headlights were flickering when i was using the brake been and had the battery, alternator and starter tested.... battery is not so good so new battery on the cards haha.

thanks for all your help guys i would have been fighting this issue forever without you all here to point me in the rite direction :)

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