New Member
It's been a bit chilly in my part of the world over the last few days so I have had the heater on full. Unfotunately full blower, full heat and recirculating doesn't feel very warm.

Can anyone offer advice on how to get that caribean feel out of the cab heater?

Car 1996 Disco 300TDI.
run the engine to normal temp then hold the top hose to feel how hot it is, then hold the heater hose to see if its the same, if it isnt let the presure out of the system then remove the pipes, check for a build up of crap inside the pipes, then connect a hose pipe to the heater pipe and flush it out, other problem could be the heater matrix could be blocked with leaves and bits of crap.
Does the engine ever get hot?
Have you ever replaced the thermostat? If not it might be a good idea, buy a genuine LR one.
Is the coolant fully topped up? Check by removing the black plastic bung on top of the thermostat housing. Run engine with bung out and check to see if you get bubbles of air, when they stop top up coolant and replace bung. You may need new bung or better still replace with brass.
I was having trouble with my 300Tdi not getting warm. I swapped the thermostat, no effect. Took the Fan and viscous coupling off, that sorted it. A couple of miles from cold and it's pretty much up to temperature now rather than still stone cold. Once it's up to temperature it stays rock solid now. A side effect is that the heater now works much better too! Now that could be 'cos I've bled the system in the process but I doubt it.

Going to fit a Kenlow or some such before the weather warms up.
I'm not sure what the normal running temperature is. The gauge reads about 1/3 up, so the needle is just a little way up the thermometer on the gauge. The hoses seem fine as does the water levels. As far as I know the thermostat has not been changed.

Because of the gauge reading I get which may be lower than normal (I don't know) I don't see the point in removing the fan, especially as summer is round the corner and it gets warmer here than in the UK. So I don't want cooling problems later (but yes I could put it back on once it warms up).

The fan does blow on all speeds I just wish it blew warmer air out the vents.
I think a more "normal" temperature gauge reading is anything between just below halfway to just above halfway up.
Mine reads above halfway, all the time once running.
For what they cost I'd go for changing the thermostat.
Taking off the viscous fan is a good idea for most of the year, I just carry mine round in the boot in case I feel the need to put it back on, never have done up to now (2 years).
OK I have just ordered a thermostat from Paddockspares so I will try that and the fan once the part arrives.

Thanks :)

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