We've all lost mates one way or another, remembrance is a good time to remember them .. and live on with happiness that you were priviledged enough to know them .. and them to know you!!
bye as ive lost a few mates this last couple of years
remembrance brings it home
god bless skippy,roger,tom,and willo see you in the after life
i will remember you fellas
so i think i should go now as you lot dont feel just take the ****

Been there, seen it and done it, let 21 rockets off tonight to represent a 21 gun salute for mates lost and still in, get a grip flower and remember life goes on regardless, remember ya unit and get on with life, we all fcuk up and make arses of ourselves from time to time, thats the past now move on to the future :cool:
bye as ive lost a few mates this last couple of years
remembrance brings it home
god bless skippy,roger,tom,and willo see you in the after life
i will remember you fellas
so i think i should go now as you lot dont feel just take the ****

Come on - there's nerely four pages of comments for you over on that 'delete profile' thread you started. And whilst some of thm are jovial, nobody's being nasty and they're all pretty much supportive. That's got to mean something. Most people who've knocked around for a few decades will know something about all this - losing friends, schoolmates, workmates, family members - so it's not that peope aren't feeling for you. . .
all of us who have served have lost someone at one time or another
today is a time to reflect and remember them
god bless all our fallen comrades
we will always remember them

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