
New Member
i was looking to buy a new landy , found this one localy throu ebay , but what would you price this thing at ?
its got just about everything youd want to do ,,, but what ya bid on it ??

this is a link to the sellers page

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

any adice would be great thanks
can anyone tell me anything about the truck ?. as im sure that cant get about without beeing seen ???

its only my 2nd landy , anything i should look out for
if you can afford to consider ten grand you,re laughing.
Ask yourself what do you want it for?
Every day use,
occasional light use,
all rounder i,e, school runs a bit of off roading and back and for to work.
Or a specific overland type vehicle for adventures.
Are you thinking "newish" means reliable?
Hope this is of help:)
That looks good to me although I wouldn't have it personally. If it's as good as stated I'd probably give 11 for it probably but it all comes down to how much you want it. If you want that one, buy it. If you don't want that exact one then hang on for a cheaper one. A landy is worth whatever you want to pay for it.
Or a specific overland type vehicle for adventures.

Or something to show off with ;)

Also depends if you want to have the fun of doing all the extras work yourself, you could buy a normal truck and kit it out yourself...

Looks good though

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