
Active Member
Hi all,
Need some advice... Seen a Defender for sale thats near me and in my price range. Its advertised on Evil Bay as a Defender 90 Station Wagon. TDi. Year 1987 on a D plate.

So, checked the LEZ site (I live just in side it!) and its non compliant. So, contacted the seller who is also just inside it and asked regarding LEZ and the compliance. Seller states never had a problem or a fine... Seems a bit odd but not knowing them have no reason to not believe him. So, off to TFL and they give all the info needed to get their records updated. not a problem - knew what do to after doing a search on here anyway.

So, thought i'd one better and call DVLA to enquire about getting the V5 updated. Now - here is the issue.... they don't have it registered as a "Defender" and wouldn't say what they have it as - which is a bit worrying to say the least but might explain why seller has never had a fine.

I'm now at a bit of a loss as what to do about it. Don't wanna take a chance and drive it and get £100 fine a day. And without actually knowing how its registered or being the owner DVLA won't give any info. I can get the chassis number\VIN if go and see it but don't wanna waste mine and the sellers time.

So, question is... Do I take a punt and buy it and just just update TFL to get it compliant (hit or miss to do this I know!) or walk away due to DVLA info? Or, go see it and see what V5 says and go from there?

Thoughts appreciated....

PS - sorry for the long post!
Probably a converted hard top.
Spend a couple of quid on a vehicle search.

If its the one in Bromley, autotrader comes up with:-
Vehicle details found: D184SAW
Thanks Burrito.

Yep - thats the one... I'm pretty new to Defenders and having a google, the 4 cylinders don't look too good - kinda series power as a comparison. Being a TDi I thought it may have been a 200TDi...

But, its not the engine I'm worried about. The Light Utility 4x4 is what drives the LEZ. If it was registered as a hard top its going to make it even more difficult to get TFL to change it to a Station Wagon\Estate...
The issue with it being a defender is possibly down to its age. This is taken from LRO magazine.

Series III was available 1971 - 1985
90 was available 1984 - 1990
Defender (tdi models) was available 1991 - 1998

So your should be listed as a 90 and not defender. This may be the cause of some of the dvla confusion. Personally I don't know if I would take a punt on buying it as I imagine it would make it not usable if it is not LEZ compliant.
I would hold off and get an actual county model but I imagine it will be a few quid more
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There is a bit of mis selling going on in that ad. Firstly, it does not have a Tdi engine, it has a 19j TD, and secondly, it is not actually a Defender, it is a pre Defender 90. Not only that, but the price is already about as much as you should be paying for a TD 90. Looking at those pics, there are several clues that point clearly to it being a hardtop originally, the ex bus seats in the back being one of the most obvious :D
There is a bit of mis selling going on in that ad. Firstly, it does not have a Tdi engine, it has a 19j TD, and secondly, it is not actually a Defender, it is a pre Defender 90. Not only that, but the price is already about as much as you should be paying for a TD 90. Looking at those pics, there are several clues that point clearly to it being a hardtop originally, the ex bus seats in the back being one of the most obvious :D

Oooh missed the bus seats, aren't they horrible.
Thanks for the replies... Very helpful in making the "walk away" decision... Gunna go for a blast in my Disco now to remind myself what I'd be missing! hahahahaha

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