
New Member
Hi All

Does anyone or could anyone post up buyers guides for the series vehicles. I think it would be a real benefit to us newbies that want to get involved with the older Landrovers.

For example - If I were to look at a series III petrol, what should I be looking for?

Forum buyers guides have been really helpful with the last 2 or 3 cars I've bought!!
Look for the grot spots, Chassis, Footwells, Door frames, ect. look for bodges/bad repairs on the chassis - being able to weld or knowing a friend that can weld is a must!
Bring a magnet to see if the rear cross member is made out of filler too!

youll get addicted to landrovers!
Just poke around looking for rot. Anything else can be fixed with a pretty basic toolkit but major amounts of rust make the difference betwen a viable project and a scrapper.
Dont let your heart rule your head, ignore checker plate if you can they cover dents sometimes. (not that that really matters) Make sure you get hold of as many pictures of what model you are after the more original the better. Look at the wiring, most of them are always "adapted" to what ever it was used for before. Make sure you drive a series land rover, they are not for motoways, or for somebody who has only driven modern cars. Yes and the rust, bulkhead big job, chassis bigger. Buy a series landrover and never see you and yours again. I would suggest moving in with your mother!

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