
New Member
give buster his own section just fer his in depth instructions on how to do stuff. lock it so only he can write in there, stopping all the usual bollocks gettin caught up in there. yer can call it "busters how to section" ;)
give buster his own section just fer his in depth instructions on how to do stuff. lock it so only he can write in there, stopping all the usual bollocks gettin caught up in there. yer can call it "busters how to section" ;)
Kin'ell yella! me 'how to's' will take sum editin':eek:

Ah didn't know ye cared:eek: :p ;) :D
Fookrnell, i third it - just suggested it on tother fred of yours buster, without realisin it were done!
Sounds like an admin job to me.....Where's Secretary Slob when yur need him
Hows about just one fred on here, started by Buster and made sticky, that has links to all Busters Manwells? Then we can see what other people have thought of em, and as Buster's info will be the first on the fred it won't matter that others have posted on em afterwards?
aye but then it will go off topic and get full of **** like everything else does on ere, not that im complaining about that, but i think lord bus deserves better ;)
I were thinking more of a book style wher Post 1 would be the index and the following posts would be the various jobs done....
aye but then it will go off topic and get full of **** like everything else does on ere, not that im complaining about that, but i think lord bus deserves better

Aye but that don't ,matter too much coz Buster's info will always be the first and only important info on the fred and people will know that, and only Buster can edit the first fred when he does a new manwell.
mek it a section called busters how to guides, then mek it so that only he can post in there, ffs you know what buster and stevie are like when they get on a late night sauce session, if its left open there will be pages of inane drivel ;)
no pressure on buster to get his spanner out is there now

can we also have a requests page ?

busters guide to bore honing and such like ?

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