
I have been looking round the internet to see if these are legal or not and cant get a definitive answer does anyone know if these are actually legal or not as i would like to make a set and fit them too my disco but cant be bothered if im going to get hassle from the party poopers
Probably not and the arguments rage but try adding it as a modification on your insurance.......
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This is the answer from the transport dept London

Thank you for your email regarding bush cables. Your email has been passed to me as we deal with external projections on vehicles.

I’ve spoken with one of our engineers and we cannot find anything specifically related to bush cables in any of our regulations.

However, regulation 100 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) regulations refers to danger on external projections on a vehicle. Regulation 53 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) regulations refers to mascots on a vehicle, and while this is no way a mascot, the principle is the same. If an accident occurred a person could be very seriously injured if they came into contact with these cables.

While this could be argued in court over interpretation, in our opinion, these cables are not legal when mounted on a vehicle, as in the picture provided, when on a highway.

Well there you Go !!! it,s not a gray area .


i have heard alot of people saying these will cut people in half if they were hit by the car but im pretty sure the winch bumper would already have caused enough damage by the time they had reached the bush cables

Thanks for the reply:D
Yeah pretty sure a winch bumper, bull bars, spots, recovery point, etc etc would cause ,ore damage to a person than some cables at the side of the car but ah well, the masters have spoken!

I am sure you could devise some sort of rigging so that they are removable. I don't know how taught they are meant to be but perhaps some of those eyelets they sell in chandlers shops along with some heavy duty snap type clips might work?
Yeah pretty sure a winch bumper, bull bars, spots, recovery point, etc etc would cause ,ore damage to a person than some cables at the side of the car but ah well, the masters have spoken!

I am sure you could devise some sort of rigging so that they are removable. I don't know how taught they are meant to be but perhaps some of those eyelets they sell in chandlers shops along with some heavy duty snap type clips might work?

just fit a turn buckle easy to remove and refit then,chandlers sell quite a few suitable ones
i was also looking at doing this someone i no done it so that they were remove able but i can not remember what he used not alot of help i no but i wll try and find out what he used and post it on here

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