
New Member
A few of us are going to bush farm nr saltash on the 23rd of February
Anyone else wanna join us?
Should be a laugh.......
i'm practically there already.. hatt.
Count me in.
You'll probably go past my door.
Infact i could role my landy there without switching it on lol.
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I will chaz. will be great to meet a few members locally and have a laugh.
Mind you i'm not sure i can do deep water too well as got a hole in fuel tank i need to sort.
At least i could walk home or have it dragged up the hill.

Keep me posted on the meet time please.
Will do
Sadly my fuel gauge stopped working tonight after id finished power washing underneath
Hopefully it's just wet
mine just runs out of fuel as its hitting the top of the red mark... and then i can't put more that £35 in it or it starts running out of the hole mid way up.
Luckily i don't go too far from home as a rule.
Haha sounds fun
Im gonna have to sort my fuel gauge out before bush farm or I wont have a clue what fuel I got
i used to put 65-70 in mine. Then one day it all ran out in my kids school playground. Now its saving me a fortune lol
sorry i didn't make this one guys. Ended up with a breakdown on a van i had to sort plus dead battery on landy which left me stranded.

No not been there before but intend a visit very soon.
where's that?
still no battery on landy as intending to but set up for split charge system.
just done it on van which cost £200. i know it's gonna be more on landy with optima batteries and was an expensive mth last, so not got it all yet.

might be able to rob a battery from one of the other vehicles though

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