
New Member
So I could replace the rear springs on my 88 I had to cut the bolts to the top shackles, which left the chassis bush useless so I had to get them out. Now the best way yes your all shouting the same thing burn the rubber center out then cut the outer sleeve with a hack saw then bend that in and knock it out, easy peasy lemon squeeze.

Now when your burning rubber it tends to produce a lot of smoke so you then don't notice (well I didn't) that the wax oil on the chassis has caught light and is now burning a fair bit and the heat is making the wax oil inside the chassis melt and drip out which then sets the floor alight.
After running around the garage (it's not big so I kept bumping into things) shouting fire fire don't panic. I managed to find an oil soaked rag to beat the flames out with only kidding about the oil soaked rag, OK I used and old par of overalls instead.

After that excitement I then used a 25mm hole cutter to eat away at the rubber so I could finally remove the old bush.

So Wax oil and naked flames do not mix.
Been there, done that - except for attempting to set the truck on fire! :D Best way to get the rubber out of the metal sleeves on those bushes? Saturate it with thinners - it slides right out. And the metal bits will come out easier too..
or use a drill to drill a series of holes around the rubber then use the hacksaw to split the outer tube. takes less than 10mins per bush which may be quicker than using thinners depending how long yer gotta soak em
did you know that if you heat bush rubber up to 1045.862°kelvin, then quickly cool in a mix of liquid nitrogen and washing up liquid. you can then roll it into a joint in place of waccy baccy?
Ah but I got the bushes out with a 25mm hole cutter drilled through the rubber easily. Mind the cough I now have might be down to the burning rubber and Waxoil mix, even tonight the garage still smells like an old brothel, well what I imagine an old brothel would smell like.
Remember you guys, don't beat about the bush,

and for RevJames, regarding burning bushes,
"nec tamen consumebatur!"


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