
Has anyone got any direct experience of these? All the online reviews seem positive, but tend to be from Africa or Australia. I wonder how they fair with the UK weather?

They look well built, the fact it is motorised doesn't really matter to me, but what I do like is the way everything folds in neatly, including the sunshades and that you can keep the bed made up. They are expensive, maybe even for what they are, but it is a neat solution.

Any thoughts? Love to hear from someone who actually owns one.

I've three friend's that have one each. One has had his for maybe 3 years. Others have had they're 9 months to a year. We're in Ireland so far from African or Australian climate lol.

One of them is a landrover specialist and he also has an alucab gen 3 as well as has had an eziawn and two ARB Simpson 3s do bit of experience on a few of them.

The guy that's had his the longest pretty much camps every weekend of the year with it. The quality is abit iffy on them on some. One of them leaked abit and stitching wasn't great but another was fine.

If your on Facebook, I could pass you onto them as he runs the donegal overlanding page and loves to give others advice on anything overlanding related :)

I've an arb Simpson 3 as its ideal for the nice weather as usually don't really get to go camping until the summer months and my fiancée isn't too keen on the idea of camping in the winter anyway.

The speed at which you can put up and pack away the bundutop is a big advantage to be fair if your doing alot of camping or on a trip where your setting up camp every night for a few weeks.
Hi Dave,

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I will message you my email address and perhaps if your friend has a moment to email over his thoughts I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again,


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