
Afternoon people just found another problem while changing the rocker gasket i noticed one of the head bolts is snapped its the one at the front rad side between the rocker and thing at the other side now i don't think the head has gone no oil in water or visa versa not loosing water or oil, so thats my problem 1 problem 2 got 130k on the clock don't know when cam belt was done was going to book it in but a friend has said if that broken head bolt eventually goes with the head gasket it will be easier cheaper to replace the engine so do i bother wasting money on a new belt or wait for something to go ( been told it'll be a specialist job to get the bolt out sounds expencive to ) any advice would be great cheers, its a 300 tdi disco by the way
If it were me,I would remove the head,remove the broken head bolt,fit new head gasket and then do the cambelt.....parts won't be more than £100 ish if you do the work yourself...jobs not hard and plenty of peeps on here to help if you get stuck. (the snapped bolt should come out easily now there is no tension on it)

If on the other hand,if you are going to dump your engine,give me a shout...I'll take it off your hands
Would i need to get the head skimmed if i did this or not as the gasket hasn't failed yet, what are the chances of more head bolts snapping and how do you get the broken bits out there pretty long bolts, thanks for the advice got nothing to loose having a go i supose just a bit dounting all that work
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hello gaz, if the head is ok, why have it skimmed? it wouldbe worth getting it checked though. as reguards the head bolt as already mentioned, as the bolt has snapped their should be no problem removing it, just lift the head off over it and then use molegrips or a stud removal tool.(i prefer molegrips) best of luck.

Thanks for that not sounding as bad as i thought now bad enough but do'able, sounds like my mate was talking rubbish about changing the engine been easier, i'll get the mot done first next month then start it is it do'able in a weekend for a novice

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If you can see the remains of bolt form above and you trust your self with a drill,why not try and drill a hole in the snapped bolt shaft and remove with a stud extractor,clean all debris out of the hole bore and refit a new bolt and torque up-job done and you do not have to remove the head
im with biolandy, drill the remains of the bolt and use a stud extractor to remove it. the only thing that should be mentioned is dont snap the stud extractor, its a bitch of a job/impossible to remove brocken stud extractors. make sure the hole is perfectly clean and absent of any fluids or swarf before replacing the bolt.

replacing the engine is not that difficult or expensive but better the devil you know in my opinion.
Just had a look at the snapped bolt and its about 100mm with about half of that threaded dont know how long there ment to be but shoud it scew in to somthing with what threads or on it or could the bolt have pulled the threads out

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Its the row of bolts that run down the middle between the rocker the plenium chamber (i think thats what its called) the bolt is a 19mm socket and a 9mm shaft its abit thicker round the bolt head hope this helps

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