Jez Foden

I've just replaced the rear crankshaft oil seal for the second time on my 12J engine, and it still leaks. Both times i uesd a britpart seal. I'm fairly confident that the seals were fitted correctly, so my question is, are Britpart seals really that bad ?
Just to add, i drove the seal all the way into the housing, as stated in the workshop manual, to make the sure the seal is not uneven, but i do have excessive end float in the crank. Is it possible that with the seal pressed all the way in, it's actually too far, considering the end float issue ?
its usual practice if you can to fit the seal so it runs on a different part of the crank boss ,is it a dowty type or std seal, have you used a punch or disc type dolly
I'm not sure what a dowty seal is. The one i used was not what i'd call standard. It required the plastic sleeve for fitting, to push it onto the boss. For fitting, i used a disc type dolly, but it's homemade, so could possibly be the culprit, although the seal did seem to be a good fit.
that is a dowty seal ,and they must be fitted using the sleeve the lip is very easily damaged,home made is fine aslong as its a good fit and seal is fitted square,did you remove the guide to fit the seal, is it actually leaking between seal and crank boss or from rear of housing
I did use the sleeve for fitting and it went on with no issues and the seal appeared to be square and even. I did remove the sleeve when fitting the seal to the housing. It appears to be leaking from the seal and boss.
removing the guide can cause damage to the seal when you refit it, id try again but dont fit it so far in or try one of these

youd expect a cheaper seal to not last quite as long but leaking straight away could easily be the fitting also the place on the boss seal runs needs to be perfect
Yes, i'll try a different seal, but as you say, it shouldn't leak straight away, so i think i need to look at my fitting procedure. Thanks very much for your advice.
Yup, Britpart seals ARE that bad.

Britpart supplies several branded seals, and will either denote the part with a "G" suffix, or list that it is of "OEM" origin. The Dowty seals are good quality, and will show a makers mark, as will the Cortelco, or other branded seal.

Britpart standard seals are often of Chinese origin, without a brand name package or stamp. Britpart Chinese could make an anvil that would break. If the job is worth doing at all, and it isn't a vehicle you're selling, use branded, OEM, or Genuine parts. That applies for all engine internals.
I always try to avoid britpart, but quite often i've ordered an OEM part, thinking it will be of a reasonable quality, when it turns up it's a britpart. I've had some terrible quality parts but also had some which are actually ok.

The first seal was supposed to be OEM, the second one i knew was a britpart, so next time i will buy a branded seal.

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