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blue beasty

Leaks an prone to bits dropping off
I've been seaching through the other thread to try and work out who's doing what but it's so long the only thing I'm sure of is there's plenty of volunteers prepared to eat cake :p

So this threads fer the serious stuff and banter on tother.....yeah that's gonna happen :rolleyes:

What's sorted so far as I'm aware is.......

Kitchen space Snowies 10 man tent
Big tent/marquee/workshop/drinking den.........Me
Generator..................................................Fanny/200tdi ayre
BBQ..........................................................Snowie and Rats
Display..........erm.....Deasy's lent his and 110w has laminated stuff to put on 'em, still some stuff to do for the display which is my fault but it's coming. Pikey is picking up Trews boards this weekend. Pikey has one of the LZ flags and I'll ask Accy if he can send the another and some stickers.
Lighting I'll bring enough to get by with but more would be nice
Cake Damn well better be! 110w and Muds for which they will be awarded LZ goddess status (until the cake runs out anyway)
Workshop jobs Freddys wheel bearings and service, Pikeys body cappings, 110w's lock mechanism, BB's diff pinion bearing, Snowys spots..........No promises about getting everything done but we can sort out what and when there

Stuff to sort.........

Sound system..........nothing special, compact and ipod compatable would be good.....actually....thinking about it I have a decent set of amped speakers that'll plug into anything with an audio output, maybe that'd work if nobody has anything better.
For kitchen and possibly the stand, I can bring tressles and some planks....probably more suited to workshop bench but could be used wherever if needed.
More shelter
For kitchen and possibly the stand though I quite like the idea of the workshop and info being together but options would be good. Seperate kitchen shelter is essential (so I'm informed :rolleyes:) so has anyone got a small marquee or large awning? I'm sure offers have been made but can't find them?
Food and *cough* refreshment
If peeps can turn up with what they need and would maybe a little more then we can share and feast. If it's hot (come on it could happen!) then cool boxes are going to be very useful and small camping stoves and kettles are always welcome.....the more the merrier
Leaflets Snowie designing but we still need someone to write blurb

If people want to bring a service kit for their Landy that'd be great or if anyone has any specific jobs they want to do then maybe talk about it first and arrive with what's needed.

I'll change my front diff pinion bearing if there's a opportunity and I know Pikey would like to fit his new body cappings but I'm sure we could do more.

Ideas and offers welcome....I'm sure there's more but my brains imploded now :eek:

Vehicle Movements On the Fri evening, Sat and Sun NO vehicle movement will be allowed on site between 9pm and 7am. Any vehicle movements after 9am will have to be steward escorted

If and when kit is offered and confirmed that it'll get there I'll add it to the sorted list above......Tis gonna be a goodun folks :D

Spreadsheet linky
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How bigga sound system would you like... 5kw? 10? 20? :D

lighting... normal or rave lighting? ;) will see what i can get

Is the generator big enough to do the job or powering everything and everyone? 3 phase of single phase?
Provided my back doesn't get any worse I will be down.

I can ask deasy for his extra lighting that we use on our trips.

As said....need leaflet / flyer to be designed/ written so I can photocopy a load to hand out.

I'll bring cakes and a table for them
Genny will be powering lights for kitchen, workshop and sounds in the evenings....probably a dozen assorted phones and laptops anorl. Can't remember what output Fans Genny is but I'm sure he'll be along in a bit.

Don't need anything overly loud and lighting wise I was thinking a few lead lamps for the workshop and leds for kitchen and wherever we end up hanging out in the evening.....strings work well :)
Provided my back doesn't get any worse I will be down.

I can ask deasy for his extra lighting that we use on our trips.

As said....need leaflet / flyer to be designed/ written so I can photocopy a load to hand out.

I'll bring cakes and a table for them

If you want a good genie is got a diesel one that will more than do the job it ran a full professional disco and BBQ and lighting the other night and barely uses any fuel :)
Saw a couple of stands last year that had their display boards set slightly to the side of the stands...noticed that more folks , ,myself included tended to stop and read if it wasnt directly in front of a group of chatting friends/ stall holders. Think its just less intimidating
I'll bring my electrics box if you like :)

Please do I have wire, relays, switch but no crimps that set disappeared when I moved! I am gonna be awkward as I have a 3 way rocker, I want it to go
Top: Auto, comes on with high beam!
Bottom:Manual so always on! Not being overly awkward as I have an auto I don't like leaving engine running when not in it!
If you want a good genie is got a diesel one that will more than do the job it ran a full professional disco and BBQ and lighting the other night and barely uses any fuel :)

We've managed with Fannys before but yours sounds like a good option. Maybe you could PM Fan and discuss it with him and then get back to me
Please do I have wire, relays, switch but no crimps that set disappeared when I moved! I am gonna be awkward as I have a 3 way rocker, I want it to go
Top: Auto, comes on with high beam!
Bottom:Manual so always on! Not being overly awkward as I have an auto I don't like leaving engine running when not in it!

That's achievable but takes a little more wiring than the usual just on with main beam and off, I've got crpers and fittings might bring some heat shrink and stuff too :)
I'd like to fix my door lock and for someone to show me what to check after ive been out laning .
If anyone wants me to bring specific tools or tools for an arquard job ask, I've got most stuff ill see what I can do :)
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