
I've a 98 4.6 v8 a small oil leak (no surprise there then) when looking into this oil leak I've found the oil is leaking from the breather on the passenger side rocker cover where the rubber pipe connects to the breather. Upon dismanteling I found a small metal pipe connects rubber pipe to rocker cover and is only a loose inteference fit. So my question is how on earth is this not supposed to leak in the first in the place ? Surely the oil pressure will blow past the pipe.

Thanks for any thoughts/comments

it shouldn,t be loose,i think they are sort of soldered in,i would get some exhaust putty give it a good clean around and try and seal it up,or get a good decent used cover.
the oil is not under that much pressure on that side of things, i would have a look at replacement covers or whip it off and clean it up and put some of that epoxy type liquid metal on the underside. or even weld it. you will have to take the baffle plate off the underside too!

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