
Freelander has broken down. We was going to visit family up north in the missus Freelander. Coming down to a set of lights on a dual carriageway the car slowed down like the back end was dargging. The missus was trying to go 5th to 3rd bit lost all drive. Stuck at the side of the road I jumped out had a look. Gear linkage had popped off. Put it back on she tried to drive off but the back end was just locking up. I removed the centre prop shaft in the hope that we could drive it home but it just tries to lock up. The car has now been recovered home. I have bodged the linkage on for now with a zip tie just to move the car back and forth on the drive.
I plan to remove the rear drive shafts and diff to make it 2wd for now
My problem now is tho it makes a noise from the front like when the thrust bearing has gone on the clutch and noise disappears when you put the clutch down. Its not that tho But it's like it's trying to engage into gear
So I'm guessing the ird is shot
Is there a way I can make it drivable now with out replacing the ird ? Or is there something else it could be
Sorry in advance for the long read
I'd question as to whether the gear selector is in the correct location, and not trying to force the gear in?
All gears seem fine just makes a wired noise like something things turning. the noise is like a very faint noise of when you grind the gears. It's only on neutral and when the clutch isn't pressed. I will check the selector rods when I get underneath. The pinion for the prop shaft shouldn't I be able to turn it by hand in neutral I can't move it. I was able to spin the prop before when I changed the bearings holding it up
If the vehicle doesn't move, then it's probably the splined link through the gearbox that has failed. These do fail on occasion, normally resulting in a RWD freelander. Maybe yours has been running as a RWD for so long, that the rear diff has failed through overwork?
I can drive it but then the rear diff tries to lock up even with the prop shaft removed. The rear drive shafts will be coming out. I'm going to remove the front pinion off the ird and see if the noise stops then it will all have to be replaced before winter comes
Sounds in a bad way.

If you remove the diff and drive shafts - only take remove them to the outer CVs and leave the stubs in the hubs. There have been stories of people removing the whole of the drive shafts.... and the wheels fall off.

Maybe its obvious, but I wouldn't think it was obvious whether the front or rear was locking up. I suppose removing the diff etc will tell though :)

Usually when there are transmission problems on Freelander, the component at fault is pretty obvious. Can't say much is obvious with your problems, looks like you've got some work ahead.

For the price of a blanking plate, its got to be worth removing the rear pinion just to make sure its not the crown/pinion gears/bearings. Will require oil though.

Good luck.
The pinion for the prop shaft shouldn't I be able to turn it by hand in neutral I can't move it. I was able to spin the prop before when I changed the bearings holding it up
You shouldn't be able to spin the propshafts, unless a wheel at each end is off the ground.

Has this vehicle got odd makes of tyres, possibly with the newest on the front?

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