Can anyone give me an idea of how strong the vacuum pump should be that assists the master cylinder? I’ve taken the pipe off and I can feel some suction, but it’s quite weak. Should this be a strong suction on tick-over? The brakes have never been great on my RRC, but if you pump them on tickover they're particularly bad.
Can anyone give me an idea of how strong the vacuum pump should be that assists the master cylinder? I’ve taken the pipe off and I can feel some suction, but it’s quite weak. Should this be a strong suction on tick-over? The brakes have never been great on my RRC, but if you pump them on tickover they're particularly bad.

Hard to tell as what you’re describing is quite subjective. You should get a reasonable amount of suction. If the brakes are **** and not much suction then thinking about the vacuum pump isn’t a bad start.
Can anyone give me an idea of how strong the vacuum pump should be that assists the master cylinder? I’ve taken the pipe off and I can feel some suction, but it’s quite weak. Should this be a strong suction on tick-over? The brakes have never been great on my RRC, but if you pump them on tickover they're particularly bad.

Have a nosy here:-


If you search around the web, you'll find that the figures given are pretty much standard, across the board - 15-20 inHg ....

Can anyone give me an idea of how strong the vacuum pump should be that assists the master cylinder? I’ve taken the pipe off and I can feel some suction, but it’s quite weak. Should this be a strong suction on tick-over? The brakes have never been great on my RRC, but if you pump them on tickover they're particularly bad.

Also, there's another thread with very similar content :-

Thanks gents. I did buy a new replacement unit. To my surprise, the suction wasn't that good, but notably better that the old one (which I suspect had been on there for the 209k of that engine).
The result was good. The brakes are better. Especially on tick-over, where you can pump the brakes and the pedal now doesnt go hard.
Pleased with the result.

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