
Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I've recently had the front brakes off the series III and all the juice has come out. At the same time I thought I'd test the shuttle valve and warning light (and spray my mate in the ear with brake fluid)...

Anyway I pressed the brake pedal down and it went down further than usual and all the fluid came out of the rear compartment of the master cylinder. There still seems to be some brake pressure to the back but no warning light.

I've traced the wiring and it seems to be connected as the test switch stops working if I unplug from the shuttle. But no warning light!

Does this sound like a knackered shuttle or is it likely just the switch? Are they easy to replace? Can I ground the wires to test the lamp wiring or will that blow a fuse?

Also it looks a bit odd as the dual circuit 88" systems in the books I've seen have the rear brakes on the rear compartment and the front on the front but this seems to be plumbed backwards....

Any pointers would be helpfull, I'd prefer not to start undoing things unnecessarily as I seem to be an expert at buggering up brake pipes when I try to undo them...and shearing off bleed nipples too...


Most likley the switch faulty,also watch out when you reconect every thing, the shuttle may not go back to its central position and you will only have one set of brakes working.Remove and center manualy if this is the case. Penetrating fluid and a proper bleed nipple spanner[looks like a ring spanner with a slot in it]wil help a lot. cheers.
Thanks for the tips.

I took the shuttle valve off today to get at it and the switch works but the shuttle valve doesn't! The slider is rusted to buggery and the bore looks worse for wear. Also the thread is knackered where the switch goes in. Does anyone know of a supplier of new / rebuilt shuttle valves.

I want a new one - I don't want to just bypass it...


Thanks Sean,

This overhaul is proving bloody expensive! £129 for the valve. I probably could have tarted up the old one but it could prove to be a bad move....

Well, I ordered a new one from Craddocks but they called and told me there were none in stock, so I decided I just get a new switch and tidy up the old one.

I've got the slider working nicely and replaced the o-rings inside and fitted the new switch...trouble is it is spraying brake fluid all over the bloody place and being in the workshop on my own I can't see from where!

Questions: Should the end-stop nut and the switch have copper washers fitted? On mine there was a rubber o-ring on the end-stop and nothing on the switch...

I've checked and rechecked the pipe-work, I even re-made one pipe on desperation but can't believe that that is the culprit.

This Landy is a real lazy git and obviously doesn't want to go out in the cold!


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