
New Member
Can anyone tell me where I can get replacement pipe from?
I have just changed the brake discs on my disco and was just replacing the caliper when the brake hose has cracked just before the flexible joint causing a leak.
Where can I buy a new piece of beak pipe for the caliper?
Thanks in advance,

These have been very helpful to me lately. (Not affiliated with them whatsoever)

But if you are on about the copper pipe, then why not do it yourself. Copper pipe and nipples cost me pennies from local part's co. ... got local garage to flare the pipes for a fiver :) (and still have loads of copper pipe/nipples left over).
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Get on ebay and buy yourself a brake pipe kit.comes with 10 fitting and enough pipe to get you going. The flairing tools might not be the best,but its a good start.
Get on ebay and buy yourself a brake pipe kit.comes with 10 fitting and enough pipe to get you going. The flairing tools might not be the best,but its a good start.

Admittedly the cheapy ones (if you buy one) are frustrating and crap to use unless you practise ... hence why I find it easier to get a local garage to do it for a fiver;)
Remember though ... if a garage flare's your brake pipes they are guaranteed, should they fail ;)
Take the broken pipe to a local garage etc and they can make a new one for peanuts mate !! They just copy your old one ,We do it all the time usually charge a tenner or there abouts they may even use your old fittings if they are ok !!!
True, but a phone call to verify can make one hell of a difference if your garage logs all job's done.

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