
New Member
I have an x reg 3 door freelander. The wheels that came with the car were steel ones but it came with some alloys. I changed the wheels over some time ago and scrapped the steel wheels only to find out the 16 inch freelander 5 spoke wheels pressed on the drums causing them to bind (obviously the wrong wheels for the year of car) Doesa anyone know if a different drum is available to fit my car? The drums that it has on are recessed where the studs are. I know It isn't ideal but I have got around it so far by using 2 x 1.5mm thick washers on each stud, this gives it enough clearance butr would sooner get it sorted. Alternatively acheap supply of steel wheels?
I think yu are looking at this problem from the wrong direction. try looking for a new motor for yo wheels - preferably a deepender or a disco.
The brakes were upsized around 2001/02 ???

There are size differences in the alloys interior, even though they are the same design.

Your local stealer will have correct part numbers.

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