
Active Member
Anyone travelling Friday from NE Hants area to the BB run? Mrs Sniffs and I aim to travel middle of the day cos the traffic will be sh*te later on.

We're stopping a little short of the start of the BB run itself cos we're staying at friends, but anyone interested in company up the M1?

Not finking convooooooy as such, just keeping an eye out for each other...
I'm heading up the M1 at 06:30am if you fancy setting off a bit earlier and joining my 50mph top speed convoy of one?
I'm heading up the M1 at 06:30am if you fancy setting off a bit earlier and joining my 50mph top speed convoy of one?
Tad early for us I'm afraid... but if we pass you en route, we'll be sure to wave :5bdriving:

See you on Saturday!:D
Tad early for us I'm afraid... but if we pass you en route, we'll be sure to wave :5bdriving:

See you on Saturday!:D

If you pass me by the time you're heading up there will be something fundamentally wrong... as well as waving, can you chuck a packet of crisps and bottle of pop out the window for me?

Surely see you Friday too???!
No pop, but water and cake if we see you en route then :D

We're staying with friends nearby for the weekend - comfy bed and no charge! They're coming out with us on Saturday to "soak up the atmosphere" of a greenlaning trip...
I'll be setting off as soon as I've got rear passenger seat and seatbelt sorted See you all SUnday. :eek: :mad:
Well we are stopping at toddington services around 1 to pick up the 3rd so that's where we'll be loitering. My cb is not transmitting properly or wasn't last time....people are blissfully unaware of me chatting away :D but I can hear so will keep an ear out :D
Sadly we won't be starting up the M1 until 4.30 pm today as I have to wait for my daughter to finish school. Will be in Sheffield overnight, so will see you all tomorrow a.m. hopefully.
Sorry, we stopped briefly at Toddington but after the nightmare of the m25 we didn't stay long. I hope you didn't hit the problems on the m1... Took us over 4 hours in the end, ready for tomorrow noiw, can't wait.