
Active Member
What is the best book for teaching me the basics about driving off road in my '94 Disco 300TDi?
Dunno. Read thru the forum. Bound to be summat on here to help yer if yer jist wanna read about it. Or meet up wiff some peeps who know wot there doin and learn hands on. Go find a group like us TOSSERS, who are sensible, mature, helpful individuals who will tek yer down some lanes that'll strip the paint off yer disco. Its ok tho cos we have Adz the 'sciontist' who always gets his trigonometry set out to measure all the angles of descent jist to mek sure the TOSSERS are safe. We stand and 'um' and 'ahh' at anything greater than a 2 degree angle, at which point we use strops to link us all together in case one of us falls...
Go find a group like us TOSSERS, who are sensible, mature, helpful individuals who will tek yer down some lanes that'll strip the paint off yer disco. Its ok tho cos we have Adz the 'sciontist' who always gets his trigonometry set out to measure all the angles of descent jist to mek sure the TOSSERS are safe. We stand and 'um' and 'ahh' at anything greater than a 2 degree angle, at which point we use strops to link us all together in case one of us falls...


There is a link on here somewhere (do a search) to the land rover "how to" video.
Dunno. Read thru the forum. Bound to be summat on here to help yer if yer jist wanna read about it. Or meet up wiff some peeps who know wot there doin and learn hands on. Go find a group like us TOSSERS, who are sensible, mature, helpful individuals who will tek yer down some lanes that'll strip the paint off yer disco. Its ok tho cos we have Adz the 'sciontist' who always gets his trigonometry set out to measure all the angles of descent jist to mek sure the TOSSERS are safe. We stand and 'um' and 'ahh' at anything greater than a 2 degree angle, at which point we use strops to link us all together in case one of us falls...

Thankyou for suggesting I become a T.O.S.S.E.R, I am thinking of joining them on their Salisbury Shufty!
We stand and 'um' and 'ahh' at anything greater than a 2 degree angle,

Oi, TOSSER, like fook you do. You look at the terrain, er, 'sometimes', then say "let's go fer it" & floor the fecker...........even when yer in someone elses motor!

'Um' & 'ahh', FFS! :rolleyes:

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