
New Member
Anybody changed the bonnet frame on a series 3. Where did you get the genuine rivets and how did you do it. Thanks for your help.
Anybody changed the bonnet frame on a series 3. Where did you get the genuine rivets and how did you do it. Thanks for your help.

got monto these peeps and ordered one of these rivvet snaps

Rivet Snaps and Set up

then i got a length of 4mm thick aluminium rod from B&Q and cut me own slugs to make the basic rivvets in the vice with the snap setter put the rivvets through the original holes int the bonnet with an iron block on the underside to act as a small andvill then used the rivet snap setter to punch the rivet head to shape

did a few trial goes to get the method right and till i got confident enough to do it on the landy

heres a pic to show you what i ended up with on me trial run

the rough looking one was me first attempt and the other is after i shortened the original rivet slug and used a slightly lighter hammer :D:D:D

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