
Active Member
Now the weather has dried a bit I replaced my freelander 1 2005 Bonnet cable as the old cable was not opening bonnet seems to have stretched fitted new cable and I still have the same problem, ie the cable seems to long,(pull bonnet catch about inch of cable nothing happens)I am not sure but I have a feeling it may be an after market one.anyone else had this problem? I am thinking of buying one from LR dealership.
Now the weather has dried a bit I replaced my freelander 1 2005 Bonnet cable as the old cable was not opening bonnet seems to have stretched fitted new cable and I still have the same problem, ie the cable seems to long,(pull bonnet catch about inch of cable nothing happens)I am not sure but I have a feeling it may be an after market one.anyone else had this problem? I am thinking of buying one from LR dealership.
Hi there, did you compare old and new parts before fitting? I.e length? Often just routing the cable the wrong way is enough to cause the problem you have. Also if it is too long, you could cut the bead off and put a trunion on there. It’s like a bead but with a screw so you can set the position of the bead at the end of the cable.
Hi there, did you compare old and new parts before fitting? I.e length? Often just routing the cable the wrong way is enough to cause the problem you have. Also if it is too long, you could cut the bead off and put a trunion on there. It’s like a bead but with a screw so you can set the position of the bead at the end of the cable.
The old one was exactly the same and seem stretched hence changing and the new has the same problem, I routed it through the front chanel with string pull through to the bonnet catch then followed the old cable route round behind coolant resevoir over the electric cables down to bulk head that seem right to you?
The old one was exactly the same and seem stretched hence changing and the new has the same problem, I routed it through the front chanel with string pull through to the bonnet catch then followed the old cable route round behind coolant resevoir over the electric cables down to bulk head that seem right to you?
Yeah that does sound about right. Like I say easiest solution if cables defo too long is to cut the bead off and use a trunion to make a new one, can put it wherever on the cable you wish. You could put a cable tie on the latch for now to allow easy opening.
Yeah that does sound about right. Like I say easiest solution if cables defo too long is to cut the bead off and use a trunion to make a new one, can put it wherever on the cable you wish. You could put a cable tie on the latch for now to allow easy opening.
You mean a long cable tie to come through the front through the grill?
I've had this. I simply fitted a collar on the cable outer at the bonnet catch end to effectively shorten it and make the pull in the middle of the lever.
a collar? ie pop cable out of bracket and fit say a cable tie? Pardon my ignorance not sure i am getting this Andy
Yeah that would do it for now. If you Google say “throttle cable trunnion” you understand what I mean and you’ll see how it works.
morning ross understood a bout the trunnion shows Iam getting old Ihave opened the Bonnet various times other than from inside the car and each time I have forgot to put in a temporary Bonnet opener:rolleyes::eek::)
morning ross understood a bout the trunnion shows Iam getting old Ihave opened the Bonnet various times other than from inside the car and each time I have forgot to put in a temporary Bonnet opener:rolleyes::eek::)
Haha, I was lucky, I got mine with the cable tie hanging out the front 😊
I think your bonnet release lever assembly’s are weak and become bent over time with using a failing cable, I’m sure I remember reshaping the lever assembly before fixing new cable
Afternoon is anyone about, it took me and wifey together to open the bonnet with her pulling with mole gripps and I using a small tyre lever to "pop" it open, The spring on the bonnet seems very tight would I be right in assuming It can be loosened as the end seems to have a screw driver slot in it any thoghts anyone??
Afternoon is anyone about, it took me and wifey together to open the bonnet with her pulling with mole gripps and I using a small tyre lever to "pop" it open, The spring on the bonnet seems very tight would I be right in assuming It can be loosened as the end seems to have a screw driver slot in it any thoghts anyone??
If the cable is working right then it shouldn’t take a lot of effort to pop the latch, I can pull mine with one pinky finger. Often they rust between the moving lever and other parts making them stiff. The cable length/tension or rusty latch will be the problem. I’m not aware of any adjustment on the spring.
If the cable is working right then it shouldn’t take a lot of effort to pop the latch, I can pull mine with one pinky finger. Often they rust between the moving lever and other parts making them stiff. The cable length/tension or rusty latch will be the problem. I’m not aware of any adjustment on the spring.
Hi Ross The latch is all freed off its the bonnet that seems tight when shut
Afternoon is anyone about, it took me and wifey together to open the bonnet with her pulling with mole gripps and I using a small tyre lever to "pop" it open, The spring on the bonnet seems very tight would I be right in assuming It can be loosened as the end seems to have a screw driver slot in it any thoghts anyone??
I've always found it best to push down on the bonnet so there is no pressure load on the release mechanism rather than lever it upwards.

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