
New Member
Have put my spare on the bonnet and been told to fit extra bonnet catches to stop it flying up when going along.
Are these readily available ?
I have looked on the "Paddocks" website and couldn't see any !
you mean the rubber type? or the classic sprung steel type?

also if its a 7.50 its very unlikely you could ever go fast enough in a series to create enough wind to lift the bonnet an inch they are seriously heavy once they are up there!
I think that the type I need are possibly the rubber type (but I'm open to any advice)
I did wonder about the bonnet lifting whilst being driven when I can hardly lift it. But I have been assured that it happens
perhaps yers been told wrong mate, they recomend fitting spring catches WHEN REMOVING the spare wheel from the front ;)
i have never had it on my series 3 with a 750 SAT on the bonnet but for the last year i have been using bonnet pins instead of the catch (i hit my head on the catch and unbolted it as i was ****ed off)
Thanks G-MAN they look just the ticket .
I did think that it was easier to lift without the spare wheel.
I did notice that the weight made a bit of slack on the bonnet release catch and wondered if this could cause the problem.
Without the weight the catch is tight.
THERES not a landy in the world will go fast enough to lift a bonnet wiv a spare wheel on it!!!!.Ive been driving mine since 1974 wheel on bonnet ,iv lowered it down gently to do somthing later,forgot about gone to work then realised 3 days later oops the bonnets open,you usually remember when going over rough ground and it starts knocking,dont lose no sleep over it mate.....mind you, no wheel on make sure its locked if you dont want a face full of bonnet and loose teeth.....dave

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