
Hi. Very glad to be on here!
I'm a few days away from picking up my new car. A 2003 Discovery 2.
I had to buy it as its a 1 owner car with only 70k on the clock.
I know you lot are going to be vital if I want keep it on the road
Looking forward to getting stuck into the forums.
Welcome aboard, you wont find a better site than LZ for banter, pi$$-taking and top-notch knowledge. :D
Welcome aboard, you wont find a better site than LZ for banter, pi$$-taking and top-notch knowledge. :D
Hi Dan,
Thank you.
I know the green oval attracts the lunatics
I've only been on here 5mins and I've already found the drawers I need for the loading space
Welcome to landyzone regular blotches from plague and pestilence.


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