
Holymoorside has been booked for the above weekend, for some Bonfire wheeling.

In aim of reaching our MAC4x4 (Macmillan Cancer Support) target we have decide to run a Pay and Play weekend at Holymoorside just on the outskirts of Chesterfield. The site itself is compact and challenging with plenty of water, mud, bomb holes and plenty of other challenges that will give vast amounts of entertainment.

The camping weekend will run from Friday afternoon till Sunday evening. Saturday and Sunday we will look at some "games" - also a good base to go and do some laning from.

The campsite itself is very basic with nothing apart from open fields surrounding it, please bring everything else you are likely to need including water (beer and burgers) but bear in mind Chesterfield isn’t far away, there is a Morrison’s within a couple of miles of the site should you need anything. The campsite is suitable for both caravans and tents. If we have enough signed up for the weekend we will get a portaloo.

The cost will be £25 per vehicle for the full weekend for camping and pay and play, we will then run a single day fee of £20 per day so the people that can’t devote the full weekend can still come along and join in.

Please be aware the purpose of this weekend is to generate funds for a very worthy cause, but we are all there to have fun at the same time.

DISCLAIMER: The relevant club/forum owners, event organisers and site owners will not be held responsible for ANY loss, damage, accident or personal injury caused by attending this event, this is applicable to both the attendee and all they bring along. You attend and take part entirely at your own risk !!! The event could be damaging should you decide to get carried away. All attendees are fully responsible for any passengers or spectators you bring along

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