Ken Spooner

Well-Known Member
strange occurence today was coming down a byway near whitwel today and had some bobble hatters coming the other way and some bikers(cyclists) behind me so go slow to not offend anyone - cyclists decide to try and overtake on down hill section so i let them go - bobble hatters had to take evasive action so they berate the cyclists for riding like idiots and thank me for driving considerately

was i dreaming?
I'm a landy owner and a bobbly ****.

I was walking across the Monsal viaduct last sunday and two KTM's came down one of the footpaths leading onto the viaduct! I opened the gate for them and they thanked me and said they'd taken a wrong turn! No ****. They didn't get any grief from anyone though. They struggled like hell to get back up the muddy rocky path they'd just come down.

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