Yes, this is making me think twice about the possible risk of damaging my CAV pump vs the cost saving against pump diesel. :(

I can use the Costco or Booker but not been lately - much cheaper?

PS what mix of veg:diesel are you using and for how long??
its all about supply and demand. when i started using cooking oil about three years ago it was about 20p a litre but hardly anyone was using it, now every fooker is using it they are struggling to keep up with processing enough or growing enough rape seed, therefore the price has rocketed. unfortunatel, its got nothing to do with greedy supermarket ****ers ;)
Have a look on my, advertized at the bottom of the page. 96p/L from Tescos.
It sez the dopey ****wits at Focus mix masonary paint but when yer faced wi a dippy blond bint thas just left skool an the puter sez "no" its a diffrunt matter!:rolleyes:
You want to mix masonry paint wiv cookin oil. Don't think it's the blonde that dippy.

Not wi cookin oil.. mixin it t mek it the rite colour fer yer gardin wall :rolleyes:

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